Chapter 17

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Henry's POV

We pick up hamburgers and fries from Granny's before heading for my place. Well... It's Regina's house. I'm staying with her right now. She wouldn't be home for hours, so I figured it was alright.

I grabbed two soads and a few movies, then I lead her to my room. I put in some random movie. We eat and just sit comfortably in each other's company. Once we are done, I move our trash to the floor. I sit for a while, when, suddenly, I feel her lean her head into my sholder. I move my arm to wrap around her waist and hold her, as she lays her head on my chest.

There are no words to decribe my levels of happiness and contentness. She begins to doze off, when we hear the front door close. She sits up in a pannic.

"Don't worry. Its proably just my mom."

"Blonde or brunett?" She asks with a small giggle as I pull her back to our former position.

"Brunett." She smiles and watches the movie contently.

"Henry, are you home?" We hear from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom. I'm in my room." We continue to watch, when my door is opened. Natalie sits up.

"Hello. You're Regina. Correct?"

"Yes. What are you doing here?"

"I invited her over to hang out." I interveen.

"This doesn't look like 'hanging out'." She used air quotes. "What are your intentions with my son, girl?"

"Um... Intentions?" Regina walks over to us.

"Yes. Intentions."

"Well... I mean... He's my friend... I didn't realise we had to have intens to do anyth-" She is cut off my Regina taking her heart out of her chest.

Natalie cries and clutches her chest in pain. I hold her in my arms to keep her upright. Regina examines her heart.

"Give it-" I cut myself off as I look up. Her heart is completely white. What could this mean?

Regina soon gives Natalie her heart back and leaves the room. A gasping, bawling Natalie holds her chest in anguish.


"Stop..." she gasps. "Henry I need to go." I look to the clock. Its only 5:45.

"You don't have to be home until seven."

"I have to go." She grabd her phone and goes to call Rumple.

"At least let me walk you home." She furiously shakes her head and holds her phone to her ear, while putting on her previously disgarded shoes.

"Rumple. Come pick me up, please." A pause. "I'm at Henry's house." Another pause. "Regina." Another other pause. "Okay thanks." She hangs up and begins to walk downstairs.

"Natalie. Please talk to me. What did I do, that was so wrong?"

"What did you do?" She spins around.

"Yes." I ask despreate.

"You broke a promise."

"Which one?"

"You promised that you wouldn't ever let anything happen to me."

She, once more, bursts into tears and runs out of the house. I see Rumple's car. I should go after her, but what would I do? What would I say?

I royaly screwed up!

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