Chapter 12

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Natalie's POV

I, suddenly, hear a soft knock at the door. I rush to my jacket and put it back on. I dry my tears. I walk to the door and open it.

"Natalie, are you alright?" I nod.

"I'm fine."

"Can I come in?"

"Of course." I move back and sit on the bed. Belle comes in with a tray of food.

"I figured you were hungry. I brought grilled cheese." I nod.

"Thank you." She comes and sits in front of me. She lays a hand on my sholder.

"You can tell me what the matter is. I can tell something is wrong." I nod. I move to the door and shut it.

I can show my sister, but I can not bare to show another living soul. I turn away and take my jacket off. I take a deep breath, and turn to face Belle. My eyes are closed, though.

"Natalie? What happened to you?" She asks. I can tell that she is on the brink of tears by her tone of voice.

"When I was about a year or two old, I was sent to this land. I had been frozen those first two years of my life by the curse. When I came to this world, I was adopted by this woman. She was wonderful to me. That was until I was about ten." I gulped wondering how I was going to tell my older sister about this.

"She beat me. She knew I wasn't from this world, and I was beat and burned for answers. She was a fake witch. She wanted ths magic of our world. That was on my birthday. The day she started to beat me." I cried.

"I didn't get out until I was fourteen, almost fifteen. A week from my birthday." I was bawling by the end.

Soon after my story, the food was pushed aside. I was brought into Belle's arms. She let out tears in remorse for my beatings and the pain of her younger sister.

I was left in her lap bawling for about an hour, before my tears began to clear up. I sat up, and she dried my tears.

"You will never go back. I will protect you, even if no one else will." I nod, when a terrifying thought occured to me.

"Don't tell anyone about this."


"Doesn't know. And I wish for it to stay that way." She nods.

"I promise." We then lock pinkies binding our agreement.

I lay still in her arms and allow my sister to confort me.

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