Chapter 8

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Henry's POV

"How do you remember your name?" I ask Natalie.

"It came to me in a dream. I also remember my family. I have a mom and a dad and a sister."

"Wonderful. What are their names?"

"I don't know. Only my father's name was spoken, and I don't remember it."

Beep Beep

"What was that?" she ask alarmed.

"My phone. I got a text." She nods. "Its from Emma." I pause as I read it. "Oh my gosh."

"What is it?"

"My grandpa is back in town." I say excitedly.



"Go and see him."

"Are you sure, Nat?"


"Just a nickname. Should I call you Natalie."

"No. Nat is fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, its perfectly fine."

"Okay." In a rush, I kiss her on the forehead and run out. I don't realise what I had done, until after I had done it.

I mentally slap myself, but I don't care. Grandpa Rumple will be back. Which must mean, Belle will also be back.

I run to the location mentioned in the text, his shop. I rush in and run into Emma.

"Slow down, kid."

"Sorry, mom. Are they really back?"

"Yeah, kid. They're in the baxk room with Regina and Mr. French."

"So, he's waking Belle?"

"Yeah, kid."

"What of Mr. Hyde?"

"Gone. Destroyed. He threatened Belle and the baby. Rumple incinerated both him and Regina's alter-ego."

"Henry?" I hear Grandpa Rumple ask.

"I'm here." I confirm.

He then walks out. I walk to him, and he pulls me into his arms. We hug. He's not the emotional type, but its nice being able to hug my Grandpa.

"Rumple?" I hear a raspy feminine voice ask.

We release eachother and walk to tbe the back. I see a pregnant Belle lying on the bed.


"Hello, Belle."

"Henry, what are you doing here?" Regina asks.

"Emma texted me, and I came here."

"We're you at the hospital?"

"The hospital? Why would you be there?" Rumple butts in.

"He's visiting a girl." Emma informs.

"A girl?" Rumple asks. I nod.

"Any progress?" Emma asks again.

"She remembers her family, not names just faces. She has a sister. She also remembers her name. Natalie."

"Natalie?" Belle asks, to which I nod.

"I had a sister named Natalie."

"You have a sister?" Rumple asks. She nods.

"She was said to have died at only a week or two old. What is her sister's name?"

"It wasn't said. Her father's was said, but she claims she forgot." Everyone nods.

"May I see her?" I nod as Rumple shakes his head.

"We need to get you checked out." Rumple insists.

"We'll be in a hospital, anyway." I point.

"Fine" he grumbles.

"If this is probably my daughter, I want to see her." Mr. French butts in.

"Fine, you can come, too." Emma states. We start to go with Belle in Rumple's arms.

Now, its time to try to reunite sisters.

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