Chapter 9

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Natalie's POV

I sit and wait. I wait for Henry to return. I wait for the thing that comes next. Well, I am going to sit and wait for whatever comes first.

I am brought lunch. Some people would tell you that hospital food isn't good, but I would be lying if I were to agree with them.

As I sit, I begin to regain my memories. I remember being taken from my home and being frozen as a small child. I remember a woman, who looks like Henry's dark-headed mother, sending me to this world. I remeber being happy as I grew up, until I would be beat for information I didn't have. I remeber running and finding a diffrent family. I remember seeing Henry.

That's right when I heard a knock.

"Come in." Henry walks in.

"I remember you."

"I hope you would." He walks to my bedside as he chuckles.

"No. In New York, you pulled some sort of fountain stunt."

"You were there?" I nod.

"I know it was real."


"I know that the stunt wasn't fake. It was real."

"Smart. You are correct." He pauses. "Can I have you meet someone?"

"Okay. Sure." Henry to the door.

"Come in." He lets people in, and he walks back to me. "You know my moms Regina and Emma."

I nod, as they both mumble a hello.

"Hi." I replied.

"This is my Grandpa Rumple." He refrenced to the man. "And this is his wife, Belle." I look to see the woman he is refrencing to.

She has fare skin, long brown hair, and blue eyes. She is pregnant and clinging to the man named Rumple's arm.

I look up to her and look her over. She seems familiar. I have seen her before.

"Belle, where's your father?" Henry inquires.

"He found it better to wait in the hall." She responded. He nods.

"So... Nat. Do you reconise anyone here." I give him a look like 'do you really thunk I'm stupid?'

"I reconise you and your moms."
I tell him in a 'duh' tone.


"Well... Belle kind of looks familiar."

"How? From where?"

"I don't know. I've just seen her before." I tell him.

She then comes and sits in the chair on the other side of my bed. I look at her, and suddenly, I know where I reconise her from.

"Do you- I mean, did you have a sister?" she then nods franticly and starts to cry.

I then start to cry and we hug. I have family. I have my sister.

"Rumple get my father."


"Get. him."

"Okay." Rumple goes to get her father. Well... Our father.

Rumple comes back with a man. He is the man from my dream. That man is my father.

"Belle? Is she... ?" She nods. He walks to me and sits next to Belle.

"Hello. I am your father, Natalie." I nod and continue to cry as he starts. He hugs me and brings Belle into the mix.

At long last I have a family. We pull back, and I ask the one question eating at my brain.

"Where is mother?"

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