2. Meet the babysitter

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My parents grounded me for 3 months, its been a week and i already want to kill myself. They let me keep my phone though, but because they are leaving to go to London this Friday for 8 weeks and need to make sure I'm not dead. I haven't talked to Tyler because I'm still pissed he talked me into going out in the first place. So really i only text my Best friend Calum.

*New Text Message*
From Calpal:Hey wanna come over this Saturday?

To Calpal: I cant I'm grounded remember? :(

*New Text Message*
From Calpal: Oh yeah :(

To Calpal: Buuuut my parents leave for London Friday so they will be gone so how are they supposed to keep me home? Ill be there ;)

"Mooom! Daaad! I just realized you will be gone so you cant keep me from going out after you leave" I say laughing to me parents.

"Honey we've already thought of that we know you'd just sneak out knowing that we were gone thats why we got you a babysitter." My mom tells me and i just about fall to the ground.

"Mom you cant get me a babysitter im 17!" im practically yelling.

"Oh but i can because I'm your mom and iv already hired one". I swear my mom can act like such a Savage sometimes.

To Calpal: UGHH!! my mom hired me a babysitter so i cant come. But it will probably be some old grandma hag so on second thought i might be there ;)

But was i wrong. Oh was i so very wrong.
First of all it was a He. Second of all he was defiantly not old. Third of all he was hot.

"Hi my names Luke an ill be your babysitter."

Hey guys!!! so this was chapter 2 i hoped you like it ig its a little bit longer but still very short and in case your wondering:
Blaire-17 yrs old, long brown hair, bright blue eyes, 5'6.
Tyler- 18 yrs old, short brown hair, green eyes, 5'10
Calum-18 yrs old, you know what he looks like ;)
Luke-20 yrs old, you know what he looks like accept imagine him covered in tattoos :)

Okay thanks for reading 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Bai xx

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