9. Ashton Irwin

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"My names Ashton."

"Im Blaire." I said.

He looks at my blotchy face and my red puffy eyes.

"Whats wrong?" He asks me sympathetically.

"Nothing." I say not feeling like explaining the whole thing but to be honest i don't even know why I'm so mad. It's not like me and Luke were dating or anything. I just still feel anger and jealousy building up inside of me.

"You can tell me." He takes my hands and puts them in his.

"Okay." I give in. I explain everything how he's my babysitter, all about Calum, how he's overprotective and locked me in the bathroom, but how he kisses me and acts like I'm important, and last how he made out with that girl. I left out the part of me cutting though. He didn't need to know that.

"Oh." Is all he says.

"Oh?" I question.

"Oh." He says.

He pulls me close and hugs me and it feels like iv known him my whole life haha cheesy i know but it does and he's being very comforting. i like that. We both fall asleep on that bench. my head on his chest and his jacket covering both of us though its mainly on me and he's okay with that. I enjoy his company. Something about him makes me feel like i cant get hurt. I'm protected from all danger, I'm protected from Luke.

We both wake up when the sun comes up because we have no curtains to shield the sun out. He looks at me and smiles.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I say back.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" Ashton asks me.

"Yeah sure." I'm actually really hungry considering i didn't have dinner last night.

"Wanna go to ihop?" He asks.

"Heck yeah." I haven't been to ihop in ages.

Ashton laughs and we get going. We go back to Ashton's house afterwards and decide on watching a movie. we watch the grinch who stole christmas even though its the middle of march. I don't pay attention much of the movie because all I'm thinking about is Luke. I have to go home at some point. What will he do to me. Will he lock me in a room again? Will he punch me in the guts? Will he tell my parents how horrible iv been? Im scared for my life after how he yelled at me just for wanting to go to a party and now i ran out the door and didn't come back till the next day-if i do come back today.

The movie is over and Ashton and I exchange numbers.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Ashton offers. I have to get it over with at some point so why not.

"Yes that would be nice thank you." I smile at him being glad i met him. I tell him my address and he starts driving we soon get there and i realize we don't live that far from each other. He walks me to the door and it locked so i knock. Ashton turns me around and without me even realizing whats happening he kisses me.

"What the hell?" Luke screams at me.

I turn around in shock and i look at his face its blotchy like mine the night before and his eyes are red and puffy also like mine the night before.

"Luke I-" He cuts me off and pulls me inside slamming the door in Ashton's face.

"Was this you're plan you saw me making out with some girl so you rub it in my face and show me you kissing some guy. you wanted me to feel equally as bad as you did when you saw me. But heres the difference Blaire. That was my ex girlfriend she barged in here and kissed me i tried to push her off and get her out but she wouldn't and you walked down. When i saw you i knew i had just broke your heart and i felt awful after you ran out i yelled at my ex to leave and she did i was out all night looking for you and finally i saw you asleep with that guy on that bench i could see what was happening i was worried sick and all for nothing Blaire. now you come here and kiss him in front of me just so i could feel your sadness even though i was crying all night long worried about you so thats the difference Blaire. But do whatever you want now because I'm done with you Blaire."

I stood there shocked.

"Luke i didn't have a plan i saw you and i felt useless i felt no one wanted me when i saw you so i ran. i found the bench and sat down and it was freezing cold so when ashton cane along he gave me his jacket and sat down next to each other we talked for a while and we eventually just fell asleep and he drove me home in the morning and he kissed me right when you opened the door. Please Luke believe me i would never do that to you. Luke Hemmings i love you." I said and i meant it.

He stared at me.

"Lu-" He cut me off my smashing his lips onto mine. His soft lips.  There so gentle when they want to be but also harsh i love his kisses and i know i probably say this a lot but i do. They take me to another place where its just me and Luke.

He pulls apart. "I love you too." Luke stares into my eyes and i swear its like needles piercing into my soul.

Hey guys we're almost to 100 reads!! Thanks for reading even if this book kinda sucks haha baiii :)) Also yay Luke and Blaire said they love each other do you ship Buke or Bashton (Luke and Blaire or Ashton and Blaire) Comment ;) Also Also i got this to 1000 words yay 😂

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