5. Confused

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When i woke up i looked around the room realizing what had happened last night. Luke was gone and i thought maybe it was just a dream but i know deep down it wasn't a dream.

Today was Monday and i wasn't looking forward to it because of what Calum told me last night. I Sucked it up and got out of bed. i decided on wearing my all time low band tee and ripped jean shorts with black high tops. i went into my bathroom and straightened my hair then applied a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. i don't wear much makeup mostly because i have no one to impress. i go downstairs and decide to skip breakfast because my bus would be here any minute.

"Hey babe" I hear Luke say. I completely forgot he was here.

"Hi" i sigh and give up on telling him to not call me babe.

"Why are you already dressed" he asked while he's still wearing sweatpants and no shirt which i have to admit is really hot.

"school and your going to be late the bus will be here soon"

"oh i decided I'm not going to school today and neither are you."

"Yes.. i am you cant 'decide' for me not to go to school" i say crossing my arms, but then i remember Calum and realize one more day and i could think of what to say. "But fine i wont go..." i say uncrossing my arms and taking off my backpack.

Luke just smirks.

"What" i say confused on why he smirked.

Luke looks at me and says "Go clean your room."

"I don't need to clean my room though" I say

"Then clean the kitchen" He points towards the kitchen.

"its not dirty" i say looking at the kitchen.

He walks over to the kitchen and opens the cupboard and finds flour and looks at me and dumps all of it on the floor.

I gasp "Luke you clean that up i didn't make that mess!"

"No. I'm the babysitter you do what i say" He smirks again and walks off.

"i do NOT need a babysitter" i scream at him.

he walks back in the room.

"Yes but you know you want one." Luke winks.

I roll my eyes and go up to my room because I'm not going to school and I'm defiantly not cleaning that kitchen.

a few minutes later I'm joined by Luke in my room.

"What do you want" i say avoiding eye contact with him.

He doesn't say anything. He walks toward to me and before i knew it his lips smashed into mine and i didn't hesitate to kiss back. He stopped, looked me in the eye, smiled and walked out.

I stood there shocked. I pulled out my phone to text Calum of what had just happened but then realized if he had a crush on me that would break his heart to hear but i didn't really have any other friends. i mean there was Michael but he and Luke were friends so he would probably tell Luke which would make things awkward. I looked at the time, it was 10:37 am.
There was nothing to do here so why not go get some food.

"Luke! I'm going to get some food so don't think i died."

"Im coming." he said

"Okay whatever." i said but really i was happy he was coming.

ugh this whole thing just makes me so confused. i hated him then he kissed me and i kissed him back and now we are going out to eat together.

Hey guys i haven't updated in a while oops anyways i hope you like this chapter :)))

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