22. Secrets

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I went to bed later tonight excited to see suicide squad tomorrow because iv been really wanting to see that and Justin seemed like a nice guy. I went to bed early so i wouldn't be tired the next day.

I woke up around 10:00 which gave me just enough time to get ready because the movie was at 12:30 and i took a very long time to get ready.

"Where are you going?" A sleepy Calum said.

"Movies with a guy i met yesterday. Sorry i woke you." I said feeling a bit bad.

"No its fine, whats his name?"

"Justin." I say as i start picking out a pair of clothes.

"Justin Conner?" He asked sounding worried.

"Yeah that sounds about right." I said.

He got up immediately and and grabbed my wrists.

"No. You cant hang out with him."

"Ughh let me go why not?"

"Because he fucks every girl he has the chance too"

"Oh shut up Calum you just don't want me to hang out with another guy because you still want me."

"Thats not at all true Blaire i cant believe you would say that... but fine whatever but when your all sad that he took your virginity or whatever don't come crawling to me for a friend i wont be there to save you."

"Whatever..." i say and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

When i got out Calum wasn't there. He couldn't have gone forever all his stuff was all here. I kind of felt bad for what i said but he deserved it. I continued getting ready and even put in enough effort to paint my nails... black of course. I threw on my red adidas shirt, black jeans, and adidas shoes. I straightened my hair and applied makeup and then i was ready. I looked at the time and it was 11:58 so it wouldn't be long until Justin picked me up. I thought about what Calum said but pushed that thought away because i could handle myself even if he did try anything. There was a knock on my dorm door it was Justin.

"Hey" i smiled.

"Hey" he smiled back. "So are you ready to go?"  He asked.

"Yeah i just have to grab my phone." I turned around to go look for it and felt his hands touch my butt. I turned around quickly and my phone was in his hand.

"You're phone was in your back pocket." He laughed.

"Oh" i laughed too.

We got in the car and he asked me what i listen to.

"Anything really but i mainly like twentyone pilots, the 1975, halsey, Melanie Martinez, blink-182, greenday, nirvana, all time low-" he cut me off.

"Okay lets just listen to green day."

"Okay" i smiled.

We got to the movie theater and both forgot money.

"Since we cant see a movie do you just want to go hang out at my place- i don't have a roommate he dropped out."

I thought more about what Calum said but pushed it away again.

"Yeah sure."

We got to his place and it was a lot bigger than mine. Or maybe that was because there was only one bed because he didn't have a roommate.

I sat down on his bed and checked the time. It was only 12:45.

"So do you want to watch Netflix?" He suggested.

"Yeah sure can we watch a scary movie?" I asked.

"Yeah do you get scared easily."

"Noooo" i said sarcastically and laughed.

We both sat next to each other on hid bed and he began the movie "the conjuring". One part came that caused me to jump. And Justin and I both laughed. When the movie wad over i was tired and fell asleep. I woke up with his arms wrapped around me, him being asleep like i was. I didnt mind it though it was comforting considering i just had another fight with my best friend. He woke up and removed his arms.

"Oh sorry" he said.

"No its fine i kind of like it" i smiled at him.

"Well in that case-" he leaned in and cupped my chin with his hands and kissed me. I kissed back. I wasn't thinking straight but i continued to kiss him. It got heated very fast. He pushed me over and hovered over me not breaking our kiss. He quickly took my shirt off as well as pants and i did the same to him. I put my hands on his bare chest as we continued to kiss. He started to suck on my sweet spot which was in between my shoulder and my neck. I let out a quiet moan which seemed to please him because he kept doing it. I quickly realized what i was doing and pulled apart.

"Whats wrong" he said.

"Im sorry" i said. "I have a boyfriend i cant do this."

"Thats okay he wont have to know." He said trying to kiss me again.

"No im sorry i cant. Goodbye." And with that i left.

Calum was right. I have to go apologize to him. I walked back to the room and he was there thank god.

"Calum im so sorry." He turned around and looked at me.

"You were right i know but i stopped it and left before too much happened. Please forgive me i want my best friend back."

"Fine." He smiled and hugged me.

I hugged him back.

He looked at my hickey.

"Are you going to tell Luke?" He asked.

"Of course not." I said. "Im going to visit him tomorrow for a few days because i don't have any classes.

"Hopefully he doesn't see those." He said pointing to the hickeys.

"Thats what makeup is for." I grinned.

"I don't know about this i think you should tell him its better he finds out from you then on his own."

"But he wont find out on his own"

A/N: hey sorry i havent updated in a really long time but how was everyones Christmas? Mine was good :) ill try and upload more :)

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