12. Banned

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"Blaire?" My mom comes in my room shocked.

Me and Luke wake up.

"M-mom what are you doing home you're 3 weeks early." I get out of bed quickly.

"We decided to come home early because we missed you now please explain to me why your in bed with him." My mom emphasized on him.

"Well urm well-" my mom cut me off.

"I hired him to watch over you not sleep with you." My mom raises her voice. "And you" my mom points at Luke. "Get out. NOW."

Luke quickly leaves.

"Mom you didn't have to do that." I say quietly.

"You can never see him again." My mom says. "EVER." She storms put shutting my door.

I quickly text Luke.

To Luke❤️: Hey I'm sorry about my parents.

From Luke❤️: Nah its fine wanna go out to dinner later?

To Luke❤️: Well um my mom kinda banned me from seeing you. Ever.

From Luke❤️: And your just going to go with that??!

To Luke❤️: Well obviously I'm going to see you again i just think we should prove to my mom your not a guy who sleeps with a different girl every night because right now thats what she thinks.

From Luke❤️: Oh :(

To Luke❤️: I'm going to go talk to her brb.

From Luke❤️: Okay.

I put my phone down and go look for my mom. I see her downstairs making Lunch.

"Mom." I say.

"What." She looks at me with a frustrated look on her face.

"You cant ban me from seeing him." I say crossing my arms.

"Im your mother i can do whatever i want." She says.

"You use that line for everything mom."

"Because it works, now go to your room."

"Mom please just let me explain to you that he's a good guy." I beg.

"No Blaire he's just going to take advantage of you." Wow that hurt.

"Mom we have been dating for like 3 weeks now and all he's done is care for me and love me and be nice to me. He's to nicest person iv ever met. He takes me to dinner almost every night. He randomly tells me he loves me just so i know it and i do because i also know that i love Luke Hemmings. I love him mom and you cant stop that because i cant control it and neither can you so i am going to see him again and i don't care if you "ban" me because i love him and he loves me so im going to his house right now and telling him exactly what i told you." My mom stood there shocked and i didnt care what she had to say i put my shoes on, grabbed my phone, and left.

To Luke❤️:Hey I'm coming over.

He didn't answer so i just left and figured it was fine i mean what could he be doing. I finally got there and knocked on the door. No one answered so i walked in and thankfully it was unlocked. But what stood in front of me made me regret everything i had said to my mom and now i sure as hell wasn't going to say it to Luke.

"Luke?" I say my voice cracking because i know I'm about to cry.

What stood in front of me was Luke and his ex girlfriend from before making out and this time i was sure she didn't just kiss him. They pulled apart and i saw the girl smirk at me but Luke looked heartbroken.

"Blaire please i can explain." He starts walking towards me.

"Save it. Why don't you go explain it to her because I'm done. I should've known you were lying before when you said she just kissed you. I cant believe i was so stupid. My mom was right to ban me from seeing you. Goodbye Luke." I ran out the door and quickly drove away.

I had no where to go. I couldn't go back home because then my mom would see me cry and rub it in my face that she was right. I couldn't go to Luke's because well yeah why would i and those were the only people i could go. I thought of Ashton. He's probably still upset with me but i don't care. I showed up at his door and rang the doorbell. Ashton opened the door and saw i was crying.

"Blaire?" He asked.

I didn't say anything i just hugged him and cried into his chest. He hugged me back and closed the door. Ashton pulled apart from the hug.

"Whats wrong?" He asked sympathetically.

"Luke." I say looking into his eyes.

"Im sorry." He said guiding me to the couch and sitting next to me. "You can stay here as long as you want i have a guest bedroom." He says.

"Thanks." I smile at him. And lay down resting my head on his chest. He softly runs his fingers through my hair and i slowly fall asleep and eventually so does he. I wake up by my phone blowing up with text messages and missed calls. They were all my mom except for one text which was from Luke that i didn't even bother to read. My mom was freaking out because she didn't know where i was i quickly texted her back at a friends i might be here a few days. She doesn't need to know about Luke yet. Finally Ashton wakes up.

"You alright?" He asks and thats when i notice i was crying.

"Oh um yeah." I say wiping away a tear.

"You can talk to me ya know if you want to explain what happened but you don't have to if you don't want to." Ashton says.

"Sure." I say.

I explain everything from my parents came home to me walking in on him making out with some other girl.

"Im sorry that happened Blaire you didn't deserve that at all."

I smile at him.

"Thanks for being so nice even when i was a jerk to you."

"Anytime Blaire. Anytime."

Aghhh! 200 reads thanks so much guys love you <333 anyways yeah sorry if this chapter is crap. :) anyways yeah read comment vote all that stuff lmao oh yeah also guys tell me if i make any spelling errors and ill try to fix it it :)

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