19. Apologies...Again

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I know i shouldn't forgive him, but i want to. I want to forgive him more than anything. But i cant. Michael now calls me every second of the hours trying to see if we can hang out as in a date. I gave him the wrong idea when i kissed him. I like him but not like that. I just ignore him which i know is worse then just telling him the truth but i feel bad and cant. Im a wuss i know. I need to talk to him. I finally call him back.

"Hey babe." He answers the phone quickly.

"Um hey i need to talk to you about something can we meet for coffee at starbucks?" I cringe at him calling me babe.

"Ooo like a date. Absolutely." He says and i know he's smiling.

"Uh sure." I say.

I got to starbucks and he was waiting there smiling at me. I sit down at the table he is at.

"Uh hi." I say.

"Hi." He says.

"Look about the kiss. It meant nothing I'm sorry i really am but it was just one of those things that happened in the moment. It was like a thank you. I don't like you like that I'm sorry. Im still in love with Luke." I say and without him saying anything i left. I couldn't stay to hear what he had to say id feel horrible. I need Luke.

To Luke: I need to see you again.

From Luke: Blaire?

To Luke: Meet me at the park.

From Luke: Um okay :)

I get to the park and wait for him. He's probably not coming. I frown. I start to walk away just as i fell arms wrap around my waist and lift me up causing me too laugh.

"Luke!" I scream laugh. "Put me dowwwwn."

He puts me down and laughs.

"Look I'm so so sorry Blaire words cant explain like i was such a terrible boyfriend and I'm always here for you no matter what i wont leave your side so again I'm so sorry." He says holding my hands.

"Luke its okay i miss you." I say hugging him.

"I miss you too." He says hugging me back.

"Im never leaving you again. Ever." I say to him.

"I wont leave you either." He smiles at me.

"Luke?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"What happens when we go to college if we go to different ones and will we every see each other again and i just don't want to lose you." I say.

"We will deal with that when the time comes but trust me you will never lose me." We pull into another hug.

1 year later

"I cant believe this is happening." I say to Luke as im about to leave for college. He didn't get into any colleges because of his grades on online school and he didn't even really apply for an. But i was going to CSU (California state university) which is far from home.

"I thought we would never leave each other." He says to me.

"I cant stay behind i have to go to college im sorry." I say as our hands let go and i get into my car about to leave for who knows how long.

"I love you so much." He says.

"I love you too." I smile and shut the door as i pull out of my driveway.

When i get to the end of the driveway i stop and run into his arms letting him kiss me once more. I pulled apart looked into his eyes one last time and left. It was a 12 hour drive so it was 5 am right now because i wanted to get there earlier to meet me roommate and get to know the campus a little more.

I finally pull into the parking lot and go to the office.

"Name?" The front desk lady asked.

"Blaire Johnson." I say.

"Room 311" she says and hands me my key.

I repeat 311 in my mind so i don't forget.

"311,311,311...aha 311" i say out loud. I had to climb 3 floors of stairs and sadly i was out of breath because of it. I need to work out more. I walk in and see two beds one side of the room decorated with similar bands i like. And the other half empty. Im guessing thats mine.

"Uh hi?" I hear a voice behind me.

"Oh hi im your new rooma-" i turn around and stopped mid sentence to see who my roommate was.

"You..." i say.

A/N: oml its been so long since i last updated im so sorry :((( anyways THANKS SO MUCH FOR 700+ reads omg i though id get like 7 reads but 700? We are almost to 1000 guys!! I love youuu and again thank you smmmm read comment and voteeee :)))6

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