17. Pregnant

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"Im pregnant." I say to Luke.

I did not want this. I was only 18. How was i supposed to care for a child's life. I wasn't ready. What would my parents say. They'd be disappointed. I was not getting an abortion. Not a chance. I wondered if Luke would now leave me.

"Please don't leave me." I say to Luke.

He just stood there shocked.

He sighs "Okay lets calm down just get an abortion and it will be fine." He smiles at me.

I push him "Are you kidding me?!" I scream at him. "Theres no way I'm getting an abortion thats basically killing a child- my child!" Im yelling very loud now.

"But there not really born yet there just a little thing." He said trying to hold my hands.

I pull my hands away. "This 'thing' will one day be a child who will grow up, go to college, get married, and have kids of their own. I cant believe you right now."

"Okay okay." He says.

"You're going to leave me aren't you?" I put my head down.

"No of course not but i don't want raise a child at such a young age." He said.

"Well I'm not doing it alone so you can stop being so selfish and help me out here. This was partly your fault too and its our kid so your going to help." I say standing up for myself.

"Im sorry, i love you." He says looking sad.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Im sorry. I cant do this its too much for me." He says.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask grabbing his hand when he starts to walk away. "Your just going to leave me?" I start to cry and he just walks away. And of course it starts to rain and i have no idea where i am.

I look around and only see dark alleys. How did i end up here? (Note pun) Pregnant, not knowing where i am, and my boyfriend just left me. I look around and go one way hoping ill get home. I see bright headlights coming my way and freeze. Then everything goes black.

I wake up in a hospital and my parents are hovering over me.

"Shes awake." I hear my mom say.

I look at my dad and he's smiling.

"Wha-what happened?" I asked confused.

"You got hit by a car." My mom says brushing hair out of my face.

Suddenly i remember everything.

"The doctor said your going to need surgery." My mom says.

"I got hit by a car why does that need surgery?" I asked very confused.

"Well the tire tore your stomach open a small bit and they need to make sure nothing got inside of it then close it up."

"Oh okay." I say.

"The surgery was a success but we found something that you may or may not know about." The doctor says.

I give him a confused look. As well do my parents.

"Well theres been a baby inside of you for 2 months. So you're pregnant."

I forgot about that.

My parents look freaked out. Wow this is not how i wanted them to find out.

"There must be a mistake my daughter would never-" i cut her off.

"Mom I'm sorry." I say.

"Its true? And you knew? And you didn't even tell me?" She looks so disappointed and honestly id rather her be mad than disappointed.

"Yes but i just found out." I say.

"We couldn't save the baby. There was too much damage." The doctor cuts in.

"Did you at least try!" I get very defensive.

"Honey thats good you wont have to raise a child until you're ready." My mom rubs my back.

"No mom thats not good. I didn't mean to be pregnant or want to be but it happened and that was a living being inside of me who could've had an amazing life. Maybe they could've been a famous singer. Or be a doctor and save hundreds of lives." I start to cry.

"Baby I'm sorry." My mom tries to comfort me.

"Luke left me because of it. He didn't want to deal with it so he left." Im crying even harder now. "I mean how could he. It was his fault to and he just left. What a wimp. I hate him." I say

"Im sorry baby but you don't mean that." My mom says.

"I do mean it! And why are you on his side! You're supposed to side with me no matter what I'm you're daughter."

"I know i know but he wasn't ready just like you he didn't know what to do."

"Well he's not the one who would've gave birth to the baby! What does he have to possible do mom." I cross my arms.

"Lets not talk about this now." My mom says calmly.

"Ok." I say.

I should at least tell him the baby's gone.

To Luke: okay so i got hit by a car (thanks for leaving me) and they had to do surgery and they couldn't save the baby so just thought i would tell you...bye.

From Luke: waIT it was my fault you got hit by a car. Babe im so sorry i didnt mean to leave you i was just scared. How bad is it? Are you okay now? Im so so so sorry please forgive me.

To Luke: it wasn't that bad, I'm okay now, and don't call me babe. I don't forgive you. You left me because i was pregnant and you were scared well what about me i was terrified and i cant just run away from this like you can. What happened if the baby was born...id have no one to be the father, theyd grow up and wonder about their father. And id tell them that he will be coming home but he never would and then one day when they are older tell them the truth and they would hate you. Just like i do. Goodbye Luke. Forever this time.

From Luke: i know i did i terrible thing and i said I'm sorry please forgive me. Now the baby's gone i will get back together with you. No need to still be mad :)

To Luke: Are you kidding me? Just because the baby's gone doesn't mean I'm getting back with you. You made a dumb choice Luke and thats on you I'm done answering you goodbye.

And with that i deleted his contact. I kept getting texts and calls from unknown numbers, which i assumed was his. I needed someone right now. Ashton. He always made me feel better in situations like this. I hope it wont be awkward. I called Ashton.

"Hey um can i come over" i say into the phone.

"Yeah of course." He says back.

I hang up and go to his house.

"Hey whats wrong" he asks.

I sigh. "Luke."

"Of course it is." He says clearly annoyed.

"Whats that supposed to mean." I say.

"Well it just seems if you ever have a problem its Luke and you need someone (me) to comfort you and say its going to be alright when he just hurts you again, I'm so done with this i cant be the person u come to just to make you feel better. I cant just be a friend you hang out with for fun? find someone else because I'm over this." He opened the door and motioned me to get out

I stood there shocked but left without saying anything. He was right there was nothing to argue. I come to him because i know he will say everything's alright but thats all i never want to hang out with him ever. I should though. Well now its too late. Great i lost my boyfriend and my best friend.

Just then i get a call from Michael.

hey guyssss its been so long since i updated I'm sorry. There was a hurricane where i live and the powers out and its been out for like 4 days now so yeah thats always funn anyways as always read comment vote thanks love you guys so much <3333 :)))))

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