6. Party

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"Where do you want to go" i ask Luke.

"Taco Bell." He states.

"I don't really want to go t-" He cuts me off by smashing his hand over my mouth.

"We are going to taco bell." He looks me in the eye.

"Alright i guess we are going to taco bell. " I say as i remove his hand from over my lips.


"Hey wanna go to a party tonight?" Luke asks as we pull into the driveway.

"On a Monday night?" I ask.

"Yeah my friends planned it its no one you know."

"That doesn't sound fun to me." i start walking away but Luke grabs my arm.

"I cant leave you alone here so your gonna go to this party. Okay?" He whispers in my ear.

"Whatever." i say pulling my hand away.

I hate how he thinks just because he's my babysitter doesn't mean he can control me and decide everything i do. Okay i mean i guess it means that but i don't even need a babysitter anyways. i guess a party could be fun if he doesn't tell on me for drinking because i could really use a drink after these past few weeks.

I look at the time its 3:42 pm and the party starts at 10:00 pm so i have time and decide to take a nap.

About an hour into my nap i hear footsteps and wake up. Luke comes into my room and i pretend I'm asleep. I hear the footsteps getting closer and feel more pressure go onto the bed so i know he just sat down on my bed. i feel soft lips press against my cheek and i try not to smile so he doesn't know I'm awake. The extra pressure leaves and the footsteps go away so i know he's gone. i open my eyes and smile then go back to sleep and dream about Luke's soft lips on mine. his lips are like a drink i get drunk on i just want more every time we kiss even though we have kissed two times i know that i want more. i need more. i wake up and its 7:30. damn that was a long nap.

I get up and start to get ready i put on a blue dress that was tight at the top but loose at the bottom and some black flats. i straighten my hair and put on eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and some dark red lipstick. i again look at the tine and its 9:30.

"Ready to go sleeping beauty!" I hear Luke yell from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I yell back.

I go downstairs and Luke stares at me.

"Wow." he says not taking an eye off me.

"Too much?" i ask.

"Just right. " Luke smiles.

When we get the party i look around and just like Luke said i know nobody. I look to my side and Luke's not there.

"guess I'm on my own now" i mumble to myself.

I look around and find the drinks.

"Perfect" i say and head over there.

Since I'm only 17 i have no idea how to make anything special so i just grab a beer and am satisfied with that. I drink that. one more wont hurt right? i drink another. maybe one more. i drink another. last one. i drink another. This continues for a while and i am now very drunk but it feels good. As I'm drinking yet another beer i feel arms wrap around my waist making my jump a little.

"Luke you scared me" i say laughing like the drunk idiot i am.

But i was so drunk i didn't realize it wasn't Luke.

"C'mon follow me" Who i thought was Luke whispered in my ear.

i followed the mystery man. He opened a door which led to a bedroom and locked it once we got in. he turned around and grabbed my wrists while pushing me against the wall. His lips smashed against mine and i kissed back though his kiss didn't feel like it usually did now it was more rough and forced. His tongue entered without asking for an entrance. i opened my eyes and soon realized it was not Luke. It was someone else. someone i did bot expect to see here. someone who i hated to see here. someone who i will no longer be talking to.

Who do you think the mystery man is? i left of with quite a cliff hanger. personally i think this is the best chapter i have written and i really enjoyed writing it i hope you guys like it :))

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