13. Hospital

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There was a knock at the door.

"Ill get it." Ashton said. I just sat there on the couch and continued watching the movie we were watching.

"You." Ashton said to whoever it was i turned around to see who it was but the the door was shut and ashton and the other person were outside.

Ashton's POV

"You." I went outside and shut the door. It was Luke.

"Is she here!" He yelled and pushed me down. And stormed in the house i tried to stop him but she just pushed me down again. And everything went black.

Blaire's POV

I heard the door open and hit the wall harshly i turned around and it was Luke.

"L-uke get away." I said as he stormed over to me. I was scared of him right now.

He didn't say anything he just pushed me against the wall and tried to kiss me but i refused and turned my head away.

"No." I said. "Please get away." I pushed him away and ran outside to find Ashton on the ground his head was bleeding and he was on the concrete i figured Luke pushed him and he hit his head. Ashton was unconscious. 

"Ashton!" I kneel down and try to pick him but obviously I'm too weak.

"Luke! Get out her and help me get Ashton to his car."

I go inside and grab his keys because i didn't bring my car here. Luke came out put Ashton in the backseat and started to get in the passenger seat.

"No." I say reaching over and shutting the car door and locking it making sure he doesn't come in. I drove off and too the hospital. I got out of the car, went inside, and told the doctors what happened-well i told him he fell on his own. They came outside and helped Ashton into to hospital. He hadn't woken up yet and i was honestly scared for his life even tho he would probably just need stitches and would be fine. I waited in the waiting room for them to tell me everything would be alright but it was 2 hours later and nothing yet. Finally someone came out.

"Hello are you Blaire?" The doctor said.

I stood up. "Yes thats me."

"We have some bad news."

"Is he-dead?" I asked.

"Oh no he's not dead but he did have some bad damage to his head that caused some memory loss. He might not be able to remember you. The only people he will definatly remember are his family because they are a big part of his life and have always been there. I am sorry. The only way he would remember you is if you were very very important in his life."

I stood there shocked and thought about his parents. I didn't even think to call them. But i didn't know their number i hadn't ever heard about them. My thought went back to Ashton. He wouldn't remember me. I have to go see him it might be the last time.

"Can i go s-see him?" My voice cracks.

"Yes ma'am." The doctor says.

I follow the doctor to the room and he shuts the door leaving me and Ashton alone in the room. I hold his hand.

"Im so sorry Ashton i shouldn't have come to you. This is all my fault. I should've gone to my mom she could've helped me im so so sorry." I started to cry. " i cant believe Luke im never talking to him again. I love you Ashton. I mean as a friend of course. But yeah you were always by my side and i should've been by yours. And i should've gone to dinner with you not Luke i was such a jerk. And i know this is all my fault so I'm sorry. I know you wont remember me but ill always remember you." I kiss his forehead then the doctor comes in telling me to leave.

I text Luke.

To Luke🔫: I hate you.
Read: 12:04 pm

Im so done with him. This crossed the line. I hate him and i cant believe i EVER loved him because obviously thats never going to happen again.

"Blaire?" The doctor said. "He's awake."

I rush in to see him again.

"Ashton look i know you don't remember me but we were friends and you helped me through a lot and i love you for that so even though you don't remember me-" he cut me off by saying something i defiantly didn't expect him to say.


The doctor said he wouldn't remember me unless i was very very important in his life. I was very very important in his life and he was very very important to mine.

Sorry this chapter isn't that long haha anyways ayeee Ashton remembered Blairee :) Hops you guys like this chapter. Read comment vote all that stuff :)) but like does anyone actually read these lmao

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