14. Time for a change

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"Y-You remembered me?" I was shocked.

"Of course i do why wouldn't I." He said confused.

I explained how the doctor said he might not remember me and how if he did it meant he really cared about me.

"Its because i do care about you. A Lot." He said smiling.

"I care about you too Ashton." I smiled back. "I just don't know what I'm going to do about Luke." I say.

"Who?" Ashton tilted his head.

"Right you probably didn't care much about him." I laugh. "Lets just say we used to date then he got you into this hospital and now we are over."

"Oh, then do you want to go out?" Ashton surprised me by asking this question.

"I don't see why not." I smiled. I really did like Ashton. I mean not while i was dating Luke but now that he asked me out i realize i really do like him.

"Good once i get outta here lets go to Nando's."

I laugh.

"You got it dude." I say quoting Michelle from Full House.

After he got out we went to Nando's like planned. We walked in and just my luck. Luke was there. Nando's is never on my side. 

"Damnit." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" Ashton asks.

"Thats Luke" i turn my head to Luke and Ashton follows my eyes.

I guess looking at him made Ashton remember everything.

"i remember him I'm gonna kick his a-" i cut him off.

"Don't." I already have enough drama in my life i don't need this too.

"Okay." He said.

We sat down at a table and unfortunately we were sat at the one next to Luke. Thanks again Nando's. And yeah Luke notices us but i try to ignore him. At the end of the dinner Ashton does something that I defiantly expected. He leaned over the table and kissed me and i kissed back. I could feel Luke staring at us. We pulled apart.

"I had an amazing time tonight." I say.

I noticed Luke had finished his food and payed because he got here first. But was still here. I knew why. He wanted to see what me and Ashton were doing and know he knew we were dating now because of the kiss.

"I did too." Ashton smiled.

We left and Luke left right after us. When we got outside Ashton realized he had left his wallet inside so he went to get it.

"Ill just wait here." I said.

I stood there leaning against his car on my phone. A hand took the phone out of my hand. My gaze went up and it was no other then the Luke Hemmings.

"Hey! Give me my phone back." I tried to grab it out of his hand but he held it farther out so i couldn't get it.

"Give me another chance please." He looked sad.

"Luke iv given you a million chances and every time its the same thing." I grab my phone and ashton comes back out so we leave.

"What was HE doing." Ashton asks.

"Asking for another chance." I say.

"Are you?" He asks concerned.

"No." I look out the window.

"Good." Ashton said.

"Can you drive me home?" I ask Ashton. "I should probably tell my mom I'm done with Luke and with you now.

"Yeah of course." He drives me home.

Ashton walks me to the door.

"Goodbye." He kisses my cheek.

"Bye." I smile.

"Mom I'm home!" I yell.

I hear crying.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I run upstairs and see her on the floor crying.

"Your father, he left me. He left us."

"What? Why?" I sit next to her.

"I don't know." She says.

I start to cry and before i know it we are both on the floor sobbing.

"Im so sorry i didn't trust Luke I'm sure he is a great guy." My mom smiles.

"No mom um you were right." I say quietly.

"What? Im so sorry honey."

"Im seeing someone else though. He's great. His name is Ashton. I trust him."

"Well thats good."

We try to have a normal conversation without thinking about the fact that my dad just left us. It ended up with us both falling asleep on the floor. I woke up around 6:00 am and my mom was still asleep. I let her sleep some more. I didn't leave though. I just sat there thinking. I sat there thinking for an hour until my mom woke up.

"Good Morning." She says.

"Good Morning." I say.

Thats when i get a text.

From (454) 555-6789: Hey its ashton i got a new phone so this is my new number. Anyways meet me at the park at 12:30 pm i have something for you.

To (454) 555-6789: okay ill be there.

Hi babesss i start school on Monday so i might not update as much ill defiantly try to love you guys. Read comment and vote :))))

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