10. Fallen for you

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"I cant beileive iv fallen for you luke hemmings." I laugh and say to him.

"I could say the same to you Blaire." He smiles confidently.

We keep smiling at each other for a very long time until i break the scilence.

"So um, im gonna go um study um yeah." i say awkwardly putting my hair behind my ears.

"Okay." he giggles.

"Luke Hemmings was that a giggle?" I ask him laughing

"i-it was a manly giggle." he says making his voice deeper to sound more manly.

"yeah whatever." i go up to my room and start to study.

About an hour later i get a text fron Ashton.

*New Text Message*
From Ash🤘🏻: Heyy

To Ash🤘🏻: Hey

From Ash🤘🏻: Do you wanna go out?

From Ash🤘🏻: I mean not like a date or anything

From Ash🤘🏻: Just as friends

From Ash🤘🏻: bc ya know u and Luke seem to have something

To Ash🤘🏻: Haha yes ashton i would love to.

I love how dorky he is.

From Ash🤘🏻: Where do you wanna go?

To Ash🤘🏻: Doesn't matter.

From Ash🤘🏻: Nando's?

To Ash🤘🏻: Sure that sounds great.

From Ash🤘🏻: Alright ill pick you up at 7?

To Ash🤘🏻: K.

I start to get ready when theres a knock at my door.

"Come in." I say

Luke comes in.

"um hey i was wandering if you wanted to go on a date, like an official one because i like you a lot Blaire and i want to take you out. Iv really fallen for you."

"Tonight?" I ask.

"Well yeah." He answers

"Oh I'm sorry Ashton already asked me to go to Nando's with him he's picking me up in-" i look at my watch. "20 minutes." I say and feel bad i turned down Luke.

"Oh um okay." Luke says looking upset and heading out.

"But i could probably reschedule with him i mean I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I'll just tell him I'm not feeling well."

Luke's face lights up.

"Okay." He says smiling.

I text Ashton.

To Ash🤘🏻: Hey sorry something has just come up and I'm not feeling well maybe we can go to Nando's some other time? Again I'm really sorry.

From Ash🤘🏻: Oh thats fine i hope you feel better soon :)

I feel bad for lying to him but i cant just say oh sorry id rather go with Luke so I'm just gunna go with him instead.

Me and Luke decide to go to Nando's just like me and Ashton were originally going.

We walk in and i see ashton sitting at a table alone. Luke seems to notice because he says

"We can go somewhere else if you want."

"No its fine" I say "Lets just sit on the other side of the restaurant."

We walk over to the other side and sit down. We order our drinks and food and shortly after are served. Unfortunately the bathrooms were on the side we were sitting- actually they were right next to our booth and unfortunately ashton had to go and unfortunately he saw me.

"Blaire?" he looks at me with disappointment in his eyes.

"Ashton I can expla-" He cuts me off

"You don't have to. I understand completely." He stormed out of the restaurant. I don't even think he paid.

"Blaire I'm so sorry." Luke says rubbing my shoulder.

"You don't have to it was my choice." I say quietly.

Later that night i text ashton.

To Ash🤘🏻: Ashton I'm so sorry words cant explain how bad i feel its just i really really like Luke and i don't know I'm a terrible person please forgive me.

From Ash🤘🏻: Just forget it Blaire.

Luke comes in. He says nothing he just sits down next to me. I lean against his chest and start to cry and he starts rubbing my back.

"Its okay. Everything will be okay." he assures me.

"Out of everything thats happened I'm glad iv fallen for you Luke." I look up at him and say.

"I could say the same to you Blaire." He looks down at me and smiles.

Guyssss!! I got to 100 reads ahhhh thanks so much lmao thats nothing compared to other fanfics but hey they were all at 100 too i guess 😂 anyways yeah Vote and Comment thanks again :)))

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