15. Apologies

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"Im going to the park with Ashton later." I told my mom.

"Okay. Im going to take a shower." She stood up and went into her bathroom i went in my room and decided to watch a few episodes of greys anatomy. It was 11:45 when i was done so i started to get ready. I wore jean shorts and a black t-shirt with black adidas shoes.

"Good enough." I shrug.

Finally it was time to go and i left my house. I got to the park and didn't see Ashton yet. I texted him on the new number.

To Ash🔥: Hey in at the park where are you.

From Ash🔥:Turn around.

I smiled and turned around but it was Luke.

To Ash🔥: Ashh where are you i turned around and its Luke wtfff.

Luke's phone lit up a few seconds after i texted that. I suddenly realized what was going on.

"Oh my god." I say and turn around to leave.

Luke grabs my arm.

"Wait please." He says. "Please let me explain."

I sigh and give up. "Fine." I say.

"Thank you." He says.

"Okay i invited my ex over and by the way her name is Olivia. Anyways so i invited Olivia over because i was upset about not being able to see you and i needed someone to help me forget about it, i needed someone to numb the pain. I immediately thought of Her. She means nothing to me and you mean everything to me and seeing you with another guy kills me. And im sorry for everything. For putting Ashton in the hospital, for scaring you, for everything. I really do feel awful and if we cant be boyfriend and girlfriend again, can we at least be friends. You mean so much to me Blaire, you really do and i need to at least be friends with you please." Luke said and i know he meant every word of it.

"Luke i- i forgive you." A smile grew on his face.

"But i cant date you. I really like Ashton now I'm sorry." The smile disappeared.

"Can we be friends." Luke asked.

"Sure." I said. "I have to go now bye."

"Bye." He said.

When i got home all i thought about was Luke. I remembered why i liked him. I felt it all over again. But i cant have feelings for him I'm with Ashton. I wont have feelings for him. Later that day i went out with Ashton but didn't have as much fun as i usually did. He kissed me but i didn't kiss back.

"Something wrong babe?" He asked me.

I suddenly cringed at hearing him call me babe.  It didn't feel right. It felt right with only Luke. I knew what i had to do.

"Yes actually." I sighed.

Ashton tilted his head.

"Im sorry but me and Luke talked and he apologized and i forgave him and I'm starting to have feelings for him again. Im so sorry Ashton i don't want to lie to you so thats why I'm telling you. I cant continue in this relationship. Im really sorry. Goodbye Ashton." And with that i left. I didn't want to drive home with him it would just be awkward so i walked.

As i was walking i saw Luke and knew what i needed to do.

"Luke!" I yelled.

He turned around and i ran to him. I jumped into his arms and i kissed him. He kissed back instantly. It was a really cheesy moment. But it also was an amazing moment.

"Im so sorry Luke." I said not even knowing what i was saying sorry for.

"Theres nothing you need to be sorry for I'm sorry." He said.

I laughed and hugged him tight.

"I love you." I said against his chest.

"I love you too." He said back. "Does this mean we are together again?" Luke asked.

"Yes. I broke up with Ashton." I said.

Sorry this is a very short chapter i couldn't think of anything else to right so yeah read comment vote and thanks for doing all that if you have love you babes byeeee

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