8. Nothing Has Changed

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"Blaire." He says kneeling down next to me.

I look at him and feel ashamed of myself ashamed of what i have become. i promised myself i would never cut because i knew it would only become a habit. like a cigarette once you do it once you cant stop and now every time i feel worthless cutting will become the first thought that comes to my mind.

"I- I'm sorry." I say and begin to cry more.

He says nothing he just carefully takes the blade from my hand and sets it down then gently rubs a wet towel wear the cuts are to get all the blood cleaned up.

"Please don't ever do this again Blaire." He says pulling me to his chest.

"Okay." I say.


It's been a week since i cut and I'm doing much better. Luke has been nicer then ever and i feel like i finally have a friend and not just a friend but one that i can actually trust. I also went to school finally and actually made another friend. Her name is Cameron Dolan and shes super nice and funny. She even invited me to a party and i decided to go because i haven't been out in a while.

"Luke I'm going to a party tonight i don't know what time i will be back." I tell him as I'm about to leave.

"No you aren't." He laughs at me.

"Yeah, I am." I say turning away and open the door but he shuts it and it now leaning over me because he is much taller than me.

"You're not. Remember last time what happened. You're not going. " He says to me still holding the door shut and leaning over me.

"Ill be more careful and wont drink as much." I assure him.

"NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING BLAIRE!" He yells at me and i am now scared.

"Luke please don't yell at me." I begin to cry. He pushes me against the wall harder i try to get out of his grip but he just holds me tighter.

"Don't move." He whispers in my ear and smirks.

"You cant just hold me here until the party is over." I say as my lip is quivering.

"You're right." He says. "Thats why I'm going to do this." He pulls my arm and goes upstairs then takes my phone and locks me in the guest bathroom. Theres no windows so i cant sneak out so I'm stuck in her and i cant call Cameron to tell her i cant make it so she might think I'm blowing her off. Just as i thought Luke changed he does this. He yells at me and locks me in a bathroom with nothing to do until after the party and even then he will probably just forget about me.

Its been a few hours and all iv done was make balls out of toilet paper and toss them in the trash can like a basketball player but i soon ran out of toilet paper.

"Wait a minute." I say out loud suddenly realized there was bobby pins in the drawers and i could break out. I got out and was so relieved but that feeling of relief vanished when i came downstairs and saw Luke making out with some girl who iv never see before in my life. Luke looked at me and pulled apart from the girl. I stared at him and he stared back. He looked to be more hurt then i was but why should he be hurt its not like i was the only girl who was his friend, who he trusted. But me, Luke was my only friend, Luke was the only person i trusted. He's all i have left at the moment since my parents are away. i Run out the door and start sobbing i hear Luke call out my name and footsteps after me but i kept running and wouldn't stop until i knew he wasn't following me anymore. I found a bench and sat down on that in the freezing cold weather.

"Here." A voice said and put a coat on me. I turned around and the face did not look familiar. He sat down next to me.

"My names Ashton."

Finally Ashton is introduced yay :))
bddnshshusuedhd a lot happened in this chapter woah. anyways comment and vote :))) Love you guyssss

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