16. Disney Date

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"Iv missed you so much." Luke says hugging me.

I laugh. "Luke it hasn't been that long."

"Yeah well its been enough time. I love you Blaire."

"I love you too." I kiss him on the lips.

"I feel bad for Ashton though." I frown.

"Would a date make you feel better." He smiles.

"Yes it would." I smile.

"Come to my house at 7:30 pm. We can watch old Disney movies and cuddle." He smiles like a child.

"Okay Hemmings." I giggle.

I go home and get ready. Since we are just going to be at his house i just put on sweatpants and an oversized band t-shirt.
I put only Mascara on and some black high-tops and eventually its time to go. I just walk to his house because its only like a 10 minute walk and i need the exercise. I finally get there and knock on the door. He opens the door and he's wearing basically the same thing I'm wearing.

"Which movies do ya wanna watch?" He asks me.

"Ooh Ooh! Beauty and the beast." I say. Thats my favorite Disney movie.

"Beauty and the beast it is." He says popping the disk in the movie player.


We watched 4 more movies which were The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Frozen, and Brave.

I looked at the time and it was 4:00 am.

"OH MY GOD." I stand up and grab my stuff to leave forgetting about Luke.

"Babe what are you doing?" He asks confused.

"its 4 in the morning!" I scream. "I have to go my parents are probably worried sick.

"Just text them your staying at a friends house and stay the night pleeeeaase." Luke makes a pouty face.

"Okay fine." I sit back down and text my parents that I'm at a "friends" house.

So i stayed and stuff happened if you know what i mean.

We both woke up at 2:00 pm and smiled at each other.

"Your beautiful." He says to me.

I smile.

One month later.

Its been a little over a month since that night and me and Luke are still together. I started going to school again and i made up all the work quickly. When i was in Geometry i felt sick to my stomach and quickly asked the teacher if i could go to the bathroom.

"Go ahead." He sighed.

I went to the bathroom and immediately ran to the toilets and threw up. I called Luke so he could pick me up from school. He took online school now. Soon enough i saw his car pull up and i left with him.

"Hey how ya feeling?" He asked.

"Honestly i don't really feel sick anymore i just feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Remember a month ago how we...you know."

"Yes." I asked confused why he was bringing it up.

"You don't think..."

I knew what he was going to say.

"No defiantly not." I said but i was still defiantly worried.

"Blaire we didn't use protection."

"Just shut up!" I yelled at him. "Just because i threw up doesn't mean I'm pregnant!"

"Blaire i still think you should check just to be sure." He looked upset i yelled at him.

"Look Luke I'm sorry i just really don't think i am. But if it makes you feel better, ill check. Can you drive me by Walmart?" I asked Luke.


We bought a few pregnancy tests just in case. And when we got home i tested them. I tested every single one just to be sure and the results were the same on all of them.

Okay a few things first so so sorry i haven't updated in like over a week i just started school and yeah. Seconds do you think shes pregnant or not pregnant. Haha honestly i haven't decided if i want to make her pregnant or not so you guys comment and tell me what you want :). Third I'm running out of ideas so if you guys could also comment more ideas that would be fantastic. Thanks for reading :) make sure to comment and vote. Thanks for 300 reads!! ❤️❤️

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