18. Drunk in love

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I answer it.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Blaire please come quick Luke is drunk and throwing things everywhere." He says very serious.

"How do you know? You don't live with him.

"Yes but i live next to him please hurry." He hangs up.

Im not going to go i don't care how drunk he is he shouldn't drink the emotions away. But i have to go stop him. Ughhh. I get my keys and drive to his house. I see Michael trying to stop him but its useless.

I run out of the car and up to Luke. "Luke please stop your going to hurt your self." I say trying to grab his arms from throwing stuff.

"Ohh heyy Bwabyy watcha doin?" He slurs every word.

"You need to stop." I say.

"NopE!" He says pushing me away. "You don't lovee meh anymore blairey. Butttt i still loveee youu." He says throwing a Lamp onto the street.

"Luke ill always love you." I say.

"Thats a LIE!" He shouts and grabs my wrists. "You NEVER loved me."

"Luke please stop your hurting me." I whimper.

He grabs my wrists harder and comes closer to my face. "You hurt me harder." He whispers.

Michael runs over. "Hey knock it off your hurting her." He try's to pry Luke's hands off my wrists but couldn't.

"Get away from me big red dog!" He shouts at Michael.

"Im neva letting yOu out of my sight agin Blairrre." He drags me inside and locks the door not allowing Michael to get it. He grabs my waist and pushes me against to wall hard. He's so close to my face that i can smell the alcohol. He starts to lean in and kiss me. I push away but he grabs my face so i cant move.

"Luke please stop." I say against his mouth.

"Kiss me back." He whispers.


"KISS ME BACK." He says louder.


"Okay blaire fine." He pulls away and looks at me.

I look at him frightened.

"Come here." He drags me so i really have no choice.

He pushes me into a small dark closet.

"Your stayin in theeere untill you decide you want to kiss me." He smirks and shuts the door locking it.

He wont keep me in here forever. He cant.

I decided to go to sleep. When i wake up i dont know what time it is because theres no light. I remember everything and i start to cry. I bring my legs to my chest and hug them tight crying harder and harder.

I hear the lock click and look up to see Luke.

"I heard crying, Blaire what are you doing here?" He asks.

He was so drunk he cant remember anything from last night.

I say nothing i just scoot back and reposition myself the way i was before. He remembers what happened.

"Oh my god. Blaire i am so so sorry." He says trying to help me up.

"No! Get away from me." I scream at him. I start rocking back and fourth.

"Your scared of me?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"Blaire i never wanted this. You don't need to be scared of me i was just drunk and i got drunk because i missed you."

"Just go. Away." I say standing up and leaving.

He grabs my arm. And i turned around staring at him looking scared again. He quickly let go seeing my face.

I go to Michaels house and he opens the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks hugging me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say.

"Do you want to come inside?" He asks.

"Please." I say and he lets me in.

"Do you want any water or coffee or someth-" i cut him off by kissing him and he instantly kisses me back.

We pull away.

"What was that for?" He asks looking confused.

"Oh Im sorry i just-"

"No its okay i enjoyed it." He smiles.

I smile back at him.

"Thanks for trying to help me yesterday." I say.

"Your welcome." He says back.

I think about Luke. I still love him. I shouldn't but i do. I wish i didn't delete his contact. I wish i didn't tell him we were done forever. But i also wish he wasn't such a jerk so i could be with him. I know i just kissed Michael but it wasn't like that it was more of a friendly kiss so i could say thank you to him. But Luke i don't want a friendly kiss with him. I want a kiss that makes me want more and more and more. He's not right for me though. He's bad. But i like that.

Heyyy um so idrk if i introduced Michael yet bc i get what fanfics I'm reading confused with what I'm writing lmao. So if i haven't than heres some backround knowledge: blaire and michael used to date but he cheated on her blah blah blah she hated him but then they became friends again and now here they are and if i have introduced him before JUST GO WITH WHATEVER I SAID BEFORE AND OAY NO ATTENTION TO WHAT I JUST SAID 😂😂 anyways yeah read comment vote like always :))))

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