20. Bad Roomate

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An embarrassed Calum stood there staring at me.

"Blaire im really sorry i was drunk and didn't know what i was doing please forgive me."

I stood there staring at him.

"No. get away from me!" I scream at him. "We may be roommates but we will never be friends and i will never forgive you." I walk out of the room to get some fresh air. I already miss Luke. This is going to be a long 4 years.

I call Luke.

He immediately answers. "Hey babe! Hows it going?"

"Terrible. Calum's my roommate." I say.

"That son of a- im driving over." He says clearly mad.

"No please don't i can handle this. Promise you wont?" I ask.

"Fine. I promise. I gotta go bye."


I go back inside and decorate my side of the room a little more.

"Blaire please we have always been best friends we can get through this." He tries to hold my hand but i quickly pull it away.

"Calum i don't think you understand. I was already sexually abused by my ex boyfriend and you helped me get through it i thought we were best friends and i thought i could trust you but i was wrong because you go and do the same exact thing. Just don't talk to me. Please." I turn away from him.

"I just want you to be happy."

"If you want me to be happy never speak to me." I say and with that he walked away.

For the next few weeks he never talked to me. He did as i wished. Until i actually needed it.

I was walking home from the grocery store to get some snacks and sandwhich ingredients. I was walking back to my car and three men dressed up in black hoodies came up to me.

"Hey where ya going." The first one said.

"Um back to my dorm." I answered.

I opened my car door but one of them slammed it shut.

"No your not." He said.

I didn't know what to do and decided to call the only person who actually could help me. Calum.

He answered thankfully.

"I think you called the wrong number Blaire."

"No! Calum please listen three men are pushing me around and not letting me leave publix please help." I said as they pushed me to the ground.

He hung up without saying a word so i figured he wasn't coming. I curled up in a ball and felt so defeated which felt awful. A few minutes later it got brighter through my eyelids and i opened my eyes to see Calum race out of his car and start beating the crap out of these people. Eventually they all gave up and ran away.

"You came?" I asked shocked.

"Course i came. Now come on ill give you a ride." He held out his hand to help me up.

"But my car." I said.

"We will get it tomorrow."

He picked me up and put me in his car. I sat curled up in a ball awkwardly the whole way back debating if i was still mad at Calum and i decided not to be.



"I forgive you." I say smiling. "But please dont make me regret it." I laugh.

"I will never hurt you again Blaire i promise." He hugged me tightly and rubbed my back which was very comforting.

"I still love you Blaire." He said.


He cut me off. "As a friend." He added.

I smiled. "Me too."

We stood there in a hug for what seemed like forever, and everything was better.

Oh gosh i haven't updated in like 3 months im so sorry but hey 2 more reads away from 1000 READSSS!! Ahhhh tygsm ❤️❤️👏🏻  also sorry for short crappy chapter im just getting into it again haha

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