23. Alone

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I was nervous for visiting Luke because of what had happened the night before. I used a ton of concealer so cover up the marks so it wasn't as obvious. I pulled up in his drive way and walked up to the door. Before i even knocked he opened the door, picked me up, and kissed me on my lips.

"I missed you." He said with our lips still connected.

"I missed you too." I said smiling.

"So what do you want to do?" He said.

"Just hang out and talk since i haven't really seen you in a while." I said.

"Okay do you want to make some popcorn and maybe watch a movie?" He asked.

I got really excited. "Can we bake a cake!" I asked randomly.

"Um sure." He said while laughing.

We got all the ingredients and realized we didn't know how to bake a cake but we attempted and the cake didn't turn out too bad. When we were putting the stuff away Luke thought it would be funny to pour the flour over my head which at the time was funny. But it was when i took a quick shower because i was all messy forgetting about my makeup i realized it wasn't funny anymore. I got out of the shower wearing only a towel wrapped around me and went downstairs to ask Luke if i could borrow some clothes but he immediately noticed the hickeys.

"Blaire what the hell?" He screamed at me.

"What?" I asked forgetting all about it.

He grabbed my wrists causing my towel to fall down and reveal my body. I didn't really care at this point because i realized he found out about the marks. He pushed me against the wall like he had done many times before and stared at my neck.

"Who did this." He raised his voice higher.

"Um it-it was nothing." I said, scared what he was going to do to me.

"Blaire don't lie to me" He whispered in my face. I could feel his hot breath against my neck.

"Im sorry." Is all i could say.

"I don't even wanna hear it Blaire. I thought i could trust you even though we were 1000 miles apart. But i guess i was wrong." He slapped me across my face leaving a red handprint and shoved me into the wall. Then said. "Get out." Pointing to the door."

"Luke please." I said, i was now on the floor.

"Get out." He repeated.

"I have no place to go." I cried.

"I don't care. Get out." And with that he picked me up and basically threw me out. As soon as the door shut i got up and tried to open it but it was locked of course. I sat there for another hour incase he decided to let me in but i new deep down he wouldn't. I texted him and called him but he didn't reply to any of them. I really screwed up. It was too late to drive back to my college and dorm so i couldn't go there plus im supposed to be here for another few days. I took off some classes and everything for this and i blew it. I soon realized i was still naked but saw right next to me my towel. I quickly wrapped it around me and fell asleep shivering because it was 30° F outside and i was in only a towel.

Luke's POV:

I couldn't believe what just happened. I ran my fingers through my hair as I paced around my house. I trusted her. I don't care how mean it was to leave her out there in the cold she deserved it. I don't think me and her will ever recover from this. I looked out my window and saw her still there all bundled up with the one towel on my porch. Shes not gonna leave. Not even to go to her car. I cant think about this. I go to my fridge and get a beer. I drink 3 more after that. And 3 more after that. I was soon very drunk which couldn't make anything any better and it didn't. I was a completely different person when drunk. I stumbled my way to the door, opened it and she was asleep. I didn't wake her i just picked her up and brought her into my house. I laid her on my couch then started to kiss her which immediately woke her up.

"Luke what are you doing?" She pushed my off of her.

"Stop resisting." i got back on top of her and kissed her more. She got up and saw all the beer bottles on my kitchen counter.

"Hey!" I yelled at her. I took her towel from her leaving her bare in front of me. I looked at her hickeys again.

"Your gonna tell me who did this." I said squeezing her thigh.

"No." She said. "Your drunk and need to go lie down."

I hovered over her and repeated. "Your gonna tell me- who did this." I could tell she was terrified of me right now.

"His name is Justin, he goes to my school." She said.

"Then im coming with you when you go home and going to meet this Justin." I said.

"Please don't." She said.

"Your mine." I said. "Not Justin's. Not anyone's. But mine. Okay?"


"Say it."

"Im yours and only yours."

"Thats better." I said and picked her up taking her up to my room.

"Its late we are going to sleep now." I stated.

"Can i at least put something on?" She asked.

"No come here." I said. And she came.

The next morning i woke up and beside me laid Blaire. I suddenly remembered everything from the night before.

"Oh my god." I said under my breathe.

She woke up and looked at me with a terrified look on her face. "Please don't hurt me." She started crying. I felt awful.

"Blaire- im so sorry i was drunk i didn't mean to scare you." I tried to comfort her and rub her back like she normally likes but now when i did it she had pure terror in her eyes. She was scared to move. Scared to speak. Scared to breathe almost.

"Can i please go." She asked.

"Blaire im not going to make you do anything im so sorry for last night so if you want to go you can go but please stay. I need you." I looked into her eyes with guilt. But guilt wasn't enough because she got up and left me. I don't think she was ever going to come back after everything i did.

Woah didn't expect this to be so depressing sorry guys :( anyways told ya id update more also tysm for 2000 reads!!! Thats freaking amazing im actually so amazed like tyyyy!!!! Love you guys keep reading and make sure to comment and vote too :)))

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