24. Done

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*New text message*

From Luke 🙄: Please answer im so sorry.

To Luke 🙄: Luke... thats all you do all you do is apologize and every time im stupid enough to forgive you then you go and do the exact same thing. I don't want to be with you anymore i thought i did but i was wrong. All you do is hurt me Luke. You may think you love me but someone who loved me wouldn't put me through all the pain you've caused me. I started cutting because of you and luckily iv stopped now but the scars will always be there. You gave me these scars. I think im done with relationships for a while now i honestly just have a hard time trusting people after you. Iv actually gotten to the point where i feel if i say the wrong thing you will beat me. Im scared of you Luke. Im terrified. The only reason i have the guts to say all these things to you right now is because i know you cant hurt me over text. Theres so much more i can say but i think iv said enough for you to get the point. Im done with you Luke. I just cant take being with you and feeling like you own me, like im your property and im not. I don't even know why i have forgiven you as many times as i have because you have screwed up so many times. I don't know if in the future we can maybe be friends but thats even a stretch. But i know i will never be your girlfriend again and i know even if one day we become friends again i will never forgive you for all the pain you have caused me. And as many time as you apologize will never be enough for everything you have done. Im so done. Goodbye Luke.

From Luke🙄: Even though you will never love me, i will always love you.

Read 2:06 pm

From Luke🙄: Goodbye Blaire.

Read 2:07 pm


The end :)) sorry i ended it so short i just really didn't know what to write about anymore and i forgot what i was writing earlier on like i just started reading what i wrote during the summer in this book and realized i wrote the dad left but in a later chapter the dad was there and idk i screwed up a lot haha anyways i also wanted to start this other fanfic i planned out but didn't want to do it at the same time as this so iv been waiting for a while so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed reading this i enjoyed writing it :)

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