21. Justin

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We pulled apart from the hug and looked into each other eyes.

"I missed you" i said

"I missed you too" he smiled "im really sorry for what i did."

"Don't worry about it" i told him.

"So what classes are you taking." He asked.

"Geometry, biology, Art, and Language Arts." I told him.

"In that order?" He asked.


"Sweet we have geometry and biology together" he smiled.

"Do ya wanna walk there together?" I asked.

"Duh" he said

We walked there and when we got there the teacher, Mr. Locke, introduced himself and he seemed cool. Im really good at geometry so i got all of the information he taught us. My next class was biology, which calum was also in. I was terrible at biology though. I didnt understand anything Mrs. Powell taught. Finally was Art which i could tell was going to be my favorite class. You could do whatever you wanted. Today i painted a tree and got complimented by it by many people. Class was over and i had 1 hour and 45 minuted until Language Arts so i decided to call Luke.

"Hey babe!" He said sounding excited. "Hows it going?"

"Hey! Its going great actually. Me and Calum are friends again."

"That bastard you cant be friends with someone like him."

"You cant tell me who i cant be friends with." He apologized and i forgave him.

"You will be sorry. Hes just going to hurt you again." And with that he hung up.

"Whatever" i mumbled to myself and started walking to my next class. I accidentally bumped into someone which caused me to drop all my stuff.

"Shit.. sorry" i looked up to see a boy who looked to be about my age. He had blue eyes and brown hair which looked very good on him.

He knelt down and started to help me pick up my stuff.

"No sorry, its my fault i should've watched where i was going." He smiled at me and held out his hand. "My names Justin."

"Im blaire." I shook his hand.

"Is this your first day?" He asked.


"Mine too." He said.

I dont know why i felt so shy around him im usually never shy around people.

"So whats your next class?" He asked trying to be friendly but i really just wanted to leave i felt so awkward and shy, why was i so shy.

"Um, its uh... language arts. " i stuttered.

"Hey mine too maybe we can walk together."

"Um sure."

The whole way he was talking trying to make things less awkward. I just answered by mumbling yes or no.

"Your shy." He stated.

"Sorry im usually not i don't know why im acting like this. Maybe its just because its my first day and i dont want to make a fool out of myself."

"Its okay its my first day too remember? Maybe we can get some starbucks or something after class and get to know each other more." He asked.

"Um sure that sounds nice." It wasnt a date it was just hanging out so it would be fine. I thought to myself.

After class Justin drove us to starbucks. He ordered a black coffee and i ordered the vanilla bean. We talked for what seemed like forever and i started to feel more comfortable around him.

When we were leaving he asked for my number so i could text him later so i gave it to him.

Later that night he texted him.

(126) 555- 6784: hey its justin :)

Me: oh hey

Justin: so what are you doing tomorrow, do you have any classes cuz i dont and i was wondering if you wanted to see a movie or something.

Me: as a date?

Justin: no no just like as friends. I mean if thats what you want.

Me: um yeah sure i dont have any classes either. Which movie?

Justin: how about suicide squad. I havnt seen that yet.

Me: oh yeah sure i wanted to see that too.

Justin: then its a date...as friends of course.

Me: cant wait :)

Justin's POV:

I wish it wasnt a date as friends i really liked her even though we had just met that day. Maybe ill try to get her to come to my place tomorrow after the movie and make a move on her there. She will really like me once she gets to know me better. "Im such a creep" i think to myself.


Hey guys its been like a month since i last updated sorry :/ but yeah sorry ill try to update more often im just really out of ideas for this and i dont know what to write anymore so if you guys could comment down below some ideas thatd be great cause i dont want to end this book so early :)

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