Before Reading

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----------------> make sure your inline comment ( on more setting) is on so you can listen to songs I've put.


Thank you so so much for continuing this series and reading book two. before anything i must say this book for sure has lots of grammatically and spelling errors, if you find any please do tell!

For many this may look like Fifty Shades of Grey and i have already told you. this is not Fifty shades of Grey. in this book, you are going to learn about so many things, secrets, that doesn't exist in Fifty shades of Grey. and more importantly the main subject of my book is sentiments and dwelling with what happens and what happened not having a Dominant boyfriend who likes to take you to your playroom!

I have no idea when this book will be done, but hey... we have a third book ;)

updates once a week! (sorry, i was forced to take a summer job)

Also, you can comment your favorite songs in here or any other chapter so I can put it in the book during occasions.

Give me your comments, ideas and tell me of what you think. Don't forget about voting for me and like!


Be a Civil human and don't steal any part of it. and if you see anyone doing so... well then PM to get them roasted! (i'm kidding, i'm just going to report them, that's all)

Again thanks so much for spending your time,


****This story contains mature scenes****

do not read if you are under age


Blazes of Temptation- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now