Chapter Three

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"Andrew," I whisper shout through the darkness. Again, it was a nightmare. But now, the good thing is by the passage of time, I keep recovering. My outburst during the night, waking up, shouting and panting, turned into a simple shake and a sigh out of me however it didn't decrease the pain in my chest.

Brushing my forehead, I wipe out my sweat. I walk into the kitchen to fetch some water, in hopes, it will help me sleep. But it doesn't help. After I drink the water, sleep flies away. So I sit back on the couch and gaze out of the window of the balcony over the half asleep city. It's only four in the morning, on Tuesday.

When I next wake up, I find myself lying on the couch, just as I should be. I guess sleep caught up with me after all. This laziness of waking up whenever I want to will be a pain in the ass for when I find a job again, but till then, I guess I should be thankful for more sleep hours I shall get.

Next to me, a note with Jess' handwriting lies. On it says, 'I'm off early today, be home at 4'.

Why four? Isn't she off at five each day? Perhaps she has plans for tonight. I hope it involves something that I can use as time-out in my head. Lately, the idea of going to clubs has come out as the idea of going to a strip boy club. Where did that come from, I have no idea. 

I guess all I'm looking for is a distraction from where I am and what has happened to me, but the question is, can they really help this pain? Can they cease my pain?

For the past six days, having nothing else to do, I start thinking and the more I think, the more aggressive my thought gets. I start doubting myself, doubting him and whether all he said was true, and then I think if it was, then it's true that he used me as a submissive and not some lover. And it all proves one point, that he didn't have any feelings toward me whatsoever- even him finding me 'special' needs feelings, which he lacks.

With the money Jess had put aside so I can go and buy whatever she needs, I aimlessly wander around the market, finding a bit distracting and a way to escape the dullness.

Four o'clock comes faster than it should. Jess comes home with a sweet smile on her face. She immediately jumps into the shower and takes a refreshing shower. When she is done, she just sits on the sofa and looks through her cooking magazine.

"Do you have any plans for tonight? Is that why you are early today?" I ask as I take a seat myself, amusing myself with the TV.

"Well, not exactly. I was hoping I can spend some time with you, you know, you had a breakup and I felt bad for not being here with you, and you know, I worked hard, why not just take advantage of the time and escape," she giggles.

"Right," I look at, curiously. Her reason, for as much as it sounds unreasonable, seems believable. She keeps browsing her cooking magazine. "So we're going out?"

"Um, no, we're just celebrating, you know eating something here, that's why I'm reading this," she shakes the magazine in her hand to take my attention,

"Ok," I nod my head. Perhaps she was, after all, tired of working constantly, and my presence here is an escape for her. Or she just didn't want to stay at the office, because of some specific person in there.

At that instant, I feel sorry for her for falling in love with someone that she shouldn't. It must be hard for her to go there every day and face the person; at least I got my escape.

"Hey, listen, now that you got some time off, why don't we go out and spend some time in a mall and then hit a club or two," I suggest as I stand up to make her some coffee.

"Wait, what? No, we are good here, I can cook and we get a meal so we don't have to go out," she puts her magazine aside and follows me.

"I know, it's just I had a tough time and I need some fun- no crazy stuff, this time, I promise," I instantly face her to make a fact of it before turning back to filling the coffee machine, "and you also are suffering from a very horrible time, think of it must be hard to see him every day,"

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