Chapter One

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The shaking of the bus becomes a lullaby to me. When the bus departed LA it was pure black, but now the twilight of the sun and the moon is here. Slowly, opening my eyes, I greet the sun as it starts getting out the lands.

Amazingly, I managed to sleep last night, something I never I would be capable of when settling in the bus. I'm glad though I catch this bus, this way I can sleep through my nightmare and the longing my heart is bearing. Knowing my bus will arrive at the terminal, I collect my bag that I was clutching to since I have my credit card and some cash that will take me to my destination with me.

The bus stops in a matter of time and as expected, everyone starts walking sleepily since it's the early hour of the morning,

"Excuse me, what time is it?" I ask the lady who is standing behind me in the line to get out of the bus. I dumped my phone last night, somehow I feel so stupid for doing that, after all, who has the nerve to go through the process of finding the line and all the other things along with it, but knowing Andrew will find it, the control freak he is, I let it be there in the garbage for an amount of time.

"It's six, thirty-two." She announces with a smile. I thank her, before getting off the bus.

San Francisco's air is much different. I can bravely say it's cooler, after all, living all my life in LA I can say San Fransisco is something you don't want to live. The air smells fresh since this is the early hour of the morning and no one dared to defy the nature by pollution.

Not like another passenger with bags and luggage, I walk alone in the dim lights of the sun towards where I believe the taxis are standing by. I grab a taxi and give the driver the direction to the only destination I know. The only place I have all my hopes bundled, the only person I think will help me in this mess. Someone that no one knows about, not even my best friends Alice and Ella.

Something about San Francisco is that even if it's the hours when everyone is asleep, it's busy as hell. Cars are going and coming, one of the reasons I didn't come to this university along with other reasons.

The cab arrives at the desired place, if not immediately, but fast enough for me to make it in time before the person I have in mind leave their apartment. Paying the fare with the only money I have left, I stand before the tall building with security standing in the designated cubic.

I walk toward him with a warm smile, hoping this would be enough for him to let me in. However, by the look on his face, I can tell this is a tough one.

"Hi, I was wondering if I can meet my friend, she's in this building and I need to see her, can I go up?" I clutch my hand together before me, warming them up, even though the weather is cool.

"Yeah, hold up, I need to buzz in, the name?" he asks as he turns toward the telephone he has on his desk.

"Laura Brown," I reply.

"And your friend's?"

"Jessica Smith, she's in apartment one, o, seven, five," he looks at me up and down before going through his list and dialing a number on his telephone. While waiting for the other line to get picked up, I feel so subconscious under his eyes, not that he's looking at me with lust, but because I know those eyes, those judgmental creepy eyes that are after a thing to call you out for it.

"Ms. Smith, there is someone with the name of Laura Brown here waiting for you, dark brown hair-" he is cut off as he listens to the other line. "Yes, ma'am, alright, I'll do it right away," he puts the phone back and turns to me, this time, the judgmental eyes are gone, now they are placed with just emotionless stony eyes. "You may go, she's waiting for you, sorry for the delay,"

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