Chapter Twenty Four

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Some time, in the middle of the night, I stir and wake up, finding myself in Andrew's arms, completely secured, in the middle of the ocean, not far from land, of course.

I look around myself, finding everywhere dark, except the shadows of the moon inflicted on the object inside the bedroom cabin. Looking over my shoulder, I find Andrew deep asleep, a look of satisfaction splashed on his face.

Wiggling out of his brace, I stand up, looking as naked as I have slept. Stretching my hand, I try to find my newly bought silk robe. Finding it, at last, I wrap myself in it, before setting for the door. Walking out on the deck, I stand there, basking in the dim light of the moon. The ocean looks calm and beautiful as ever. Walking toward the railing at the con, I brace myself and lean over, looking at a meaningless point in the far.

Almost a year ago, I was sitting in my little apartment, listening to my favorite jam, deaf to what's happening out of my little bubble. Now here I am, suffering from a stalker who wants to kill me to get revenge from Andrew, from a crazy Ex-girlfriend, who is obsessed with Andrew, with a Daddy who is glad to bring him down, from our own torment of feelings and the pain of the secrets of the past. It's a maze, a mad journey, one that I will gladly take again if it means I have to have Andrew.

These past couples of days have been brutal, on both of us. But as days passed, I start seeing a change in Andrew. He's no longer the man I met him in that business room, who made sure to acknowledge my embarrassing move of drawing him, in an explicit way, might I add.

Remembering our moment, when he caught my paper of ridiculous drawing in the meeting, I smile. I still have the paper. A memory of ours.

"Hey," Andrew's sleepy voice comes from behind me. Turning to face him, I watch as his naked form approaches me.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask him as he comes and braces me in a hug, allowing my head to take a rest against his shoulder.

"No, baby," he replies. "What are you thinking about at this hour?" he asks, as he turns us around to face the ocean.

"Us," I reply.

"What about us?" he asks.

"I was just thinking that how much we have changed since we met each other. I was thinking that this is not a normal relationship at all. But I would do it all again if it means I will meet you,"

"You've changed me. Sometimes, I ask myself how my life would have been if I hadn't met you. The answer comes the same. A void. Darkness." He kisses my hair.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, Laura Brown," he says.

We stand there in silence for a few more minutes, before Andrew guides me toward the cushioned deck where I sunbathed in the morning. Laying us on the soft pillows, Andrew takes a blanket out of a hidden storage and drapes it over us.

Staring at the sky full of stars above us, I cuddle in his arms. Shortly after, we both fall asleep.

Rubbing my eyes, stretching my hands over my head, I sit up and look around me. Everything is the same, except the shades over my head, covering me in its shadow, protecting me from the blazing sun.

"Good morning, Me Princess," Andrew says, walking out of the kitchen cabin with a tray in his hand shortly after.

"I hate that name," I glare at him.

"And I just love the way your cheeks get this color on them when I call you that," he replies cheekily, observing me closely. He sits down next to me with the tray placed between us. "We were supposed to do this in the bed, but I guess we're still in bed." He looks down at me.

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