Chapter Seventeen

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Oh boy. Sighing inside, I raise my eyebrows in exclamation. Honestly, what is happening in my life? The utter word of destructed would not even fit in. With my back to Andrew, who is standing there like a daring lion waiting for his prey to bow to him, I simply move out of his sight with a bored face. I'm just tired. I want to forget about this whole thing. Oh well, seems like the wine is working.

Of course, the man he is, Andrew starts following me to the library. I sit down on the chair where the copy of Sense and Sensibility is waiting for me patiently. Not long after, and we're talking about seconds, Andrew is towering over me with a fierce look on his face, I don't know if I'm the recipient of that look though.

"I asked you a question, Laura, and you keep ignoring me! What the f*ck did she say to you? Damn it, answer me. That wile woman knows nothing but to f*ck up everything I've built." He gets frustrated and rakes a hand through his hair.

"She helped you rebuild yourself out of whatever hell you were in," I poke him with the truth. Andrew stops in his track and stares at me.

"What did she say?" he asks the question again, this time a bit slower and perhaps a bit calmer.

"Something that I should have known. Oh wait, I didn't know... So, I guess she beat you in telling me the truth. I honestly don't know how you could hide such an important detail away from me. And yet, you go and promise me things that you are. NOT. CAPABLE. OF. GIVING," I lose it. Yep, I officially lose it and shout at him and boy does that feel good.

When I refuse to give him the attention he needs which is looking straight into his eyes, he leans in and puts his hands on either side of the armchair I'm sitting on and puts his face away from mine barely by inches.

"Talk to me, don't shut me out. Please, this is killing me." He looks at me.

"I think you should go and deal with the arrangement you made with the Moores," I whisper the sadness has a cover in my voice.

Andrew looks dazed and confused. He looks at me as if he's a lost boy in a crowd of unknown. The deep frown on his face is ceasing his face into sadness and regret and so many other emotions all at the same time.

"Look, I'm not even mad at you for making a deal with them or the fact that you are promised to someone else. But you should have told me. These are the things that I should know, you don't get to decide to hide them or not. Damn it, this is my life too. Generally, if you want a relationship to work, you need to assure the other party that you just belong to them, no one else. And you failed. Miserably." I mutter under my breath, disappointed that our little happiness is gone.

"I didn't know you existed. I was helpless," He says with remorse in his words. Clearly, this man was dead at heart. He did not care who he would marry. He was not assured of his life, he just wanted to be done with it, and what faster way than marrying the one woman who took you out of your misery and apparently pretends to be his Wonder Woman.

"Was that your final plan then? If I didn't come into your life, you would end up marrying her just as planned, even though you told me that you guys don't work out. You knew that your life with her would be miserable and yet you went with it. So what? In five years, you would realize you couldn't make each other more miserable anymore and would give up. That's not how life is supposed to go," I can't help feeling like a helpless shrink trying to give this man a piece of mind.

"Yes, that's what I was going to do, because I had no other way. I was alone. But, now, I have you. I know that everything will be fine because I have you."

"I hope you know what you're doing because if not, then you have officially signed over my destruction. Congrats," I stand up and leave him. I know I'm acting a little b*tchy but I'm hurt and the fact that I can't run away from the truth like always I would do terrifies me from within that is why I find myself putting distance between us as much as I can.

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