Chapter Twenty Five

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I shower thoroughly, shaved my every spot, and make sure that I apply a generous amount of that expensive body lotion Andrew has brought for me. Tenderly, I wash my body, already anticipating this ending of tonight already, knowing Andrew and his dedicate plans, of course.

Sitting on our bed with a towel robe wrapped around me and my wet hair trailing on it, I look at the drawer Andrew has put our mobile devices and his own laptop in. He has restricted today to no connection to the world outside of our bubble. I don't blame him for wanting a few hours away from his constant phone calls. But I wonder how my aunt is doing. How my mother is since I have last talked to her and cleared the air between us. How my friends are.

Nervously, I fold my hands on my lap. Until now, I haven't realized how stressed I am. I simply look for a chat with a friend, someone, to calm me down a bit. However, I respect his decision and understand his need for my full attention to him. I wouldn't want to share him with his business associates whom couldn't manage anything without him.

Caressing my hands over the embroidered part of the dress gently, I sigh with content. Without further ado, I stand up and start getting dressed in the dress. With my lipstick and my powder and its sponge, the only items I always carry, I do a little bit of magic. A beautiful dress deserves bit elegance. So, I gather my head up and pin them above my head, strangely, with a few strands falling off.

Standing before the mirror, I look at myself, turning my hips to the side and observe the beauty of the dress and its reflection on mine. Deciding that I have stood Andrew long enough, I walk out of the cabin with the hem of my long skirt in my hands. Walking the steps up, with the high heels, in the swaying boat, I finally make it up. Inwardly, I pat myself on the back.

Once on the deck, I look around. The sun has already set and has cast a beautiful shade of red and orange over the sky; thus, it's not dark or light enough to see the surroundings vividly.

"Laura," Andrew calls my name. I snap my eyes to him. Standing on the far side of the ship, where a table with red cloth is placed, Andrew is looking at me with his grin splattered on his face.

Flattered by the way he looks at me, I shyly drop my head and look down, assumingly, looking at my feet, while I make my way towards him. Grabbing the side railing with one hand and the hem of my skirt in the other, I slowly walk.

Out of a sudden, I see a hand offered to me. Raising my head, I look at Andrew, who is smiling lovingly at me.

"There's no need to be embarrassed of me, baby. Here, let me help you," he offers his crooked arm and I take it eagerly, cheeks blushing furiously.

What am I so embarrassed of? It's not as if this is our first date or something! We have done things more explicit and implicit than any other couple, as far as to my knowledge has.

"Thank you for the dress. It's beautiful," I find myself saying.

"No, you're beautiful. Don't forget that. The dress is only an accessory, my Princess," he adds the nickname to annoy but I am too flattered by his affection to care enough for that. Helping to my seat, he pushes the chair closer to the table gentlemanlike, before turning the round table around to sit on the other side of it.

Taking a moment to look at the table, I find it already filled with some refreshments and a bottle of wine in an ice bucket. The table is graciously set with plates and different set of forks, knives, and spoons for different purposes.

"Oh, how I wished it was only us on this ship and I could have a taste you right on this table," Andrew murmurs, looking at me intensely. I swallow loudly, obviously affected by his sentimental at this moment. Me too. I want to tell him.

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