Chapter Thirty Two

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I'm a coward, please, forgive me...

You don't know me, Laura.

My life wasn't easy, no one can understand it...

I'm not Prince Charming, baby, I'm the Beast...


I know there is goodness in you,

I was afraid of you running away and you did.


Everything is special with you.

I will never be enough for you. I will always end up hurting you.

I want to spend my time with you, feel you, love you. I want your heart, and I want you to have mine...

Laura... I love you...


I love you...

I gasp.

The first thing that hits me is the pain in my skull, my body, my mind, my heart... Everywhere hurts. Where am I? Where is Andrew?

"She's awake. We need Morphine. Her body is in shock," Someone shouts.

I can't move my head and look who's speaking. I can't even open my mouth. What is happening to me?

"Page the Doctor, now," someone else shouts.

My eyelids start getting heavy. I can see no better than a hazy blurry image of moving objects. And then nothingness. No, please don't... I don't want to go back to darkness. I'm scared.

"It's ok, I'll stay by her side. You can go to the hotel. I'll let you know if anything changes," someone whispers closely.

"You should go home, Andrew. You don't look good," someone else adds.

"I'm fine. I will not leave her side for even a second," I recognize Andrew's voice, even though my other senses do not work as properly.

Forcing myself to open my eyes, even though all I want right now is to sleep, I face the bright light that starts to pierce my eyes. I take a few moments to adjust myself to the light,

"Oh, she's awake. Hello Darling. You're safe. I'm here, my girl," I see my aunt, hovering over my face blocking the bright light above for which I am grateful.

I open my mouth to say something, but my throat is too dry to form words. I move my tongue around, trying to form a word, but I give up eventually.

"Alice, honey, would you mind informing the nurse, please?" my aunt says as she looks over her shoulder. It's at that moment that I feel a squeeze around my hand.

I want to squeeze back or move my hand in response, but my muscles are too stiff to move. Eventually, I give up. A few seconds later, a nurse in white uniform arrives. She's wearing a bright smile on her face as she looks down at me and checking my vitals.

"She's a fighter," she turns and says to the group of people who are standing in the room, whom I can't see them. "I have to be honest with you, not so many patients in her condition make it out of the operation room. Your prayers have been answered. She's healing quickly. The doctor will be with you shortly."

When she moves away from me, my aunt calls after her,

"Can I give her some water?" she asks,

"Yes of course. Only water," I hear the nurse answer in response.

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