After Read

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My dear readers,

This has been quite a journey. I can tell because I have been taking my time, no rush, writing this book. Guess what? Things are going to continue into the next book, hopefully with much faster speed.

So please don't hate me and forgive me, just as Andrew forgave Laura for being a crazy chit, for running away and breaking up with him

I have received many critics saying that this is a replica of Fifty Shades of Grey, bluh, bluh, bluh... Well, first of all, I don't care. Secondly, there are hundreds of published books that are similar, just because one version is more famous doesn't mean everything else is similar to that. Besides, I can argue with proof that my story is different.

For one thing, Laura and Andrew will never ever go to 'playroom'. There are a few literacy symbols in both book one and two that are meant to show an aspect of their relationship figuratively. The playroom is one of them. It exists and is there, but none of them is eager to go in. Andrew is not grabbing her and pushing her in, saying he wants her on the spanking bench, or whatever, and Laura is not mentioning wanting to go in, either. Let me be clear. They will never open it up. It's always going to be a mystery. And it's because I wanted to show that with Laura, Andrew doesn't care about control anymore. Sure, they enjoy that intimacy of doing naughty things, but some things just don't belong to their relationship—unlike Fifty Shades of Grey.

This book is more about embracing what you are and just deal with it. They have some f*ck up things going on between them that every day couples might face them—maybe not the 'r*pe' part—but subjects like one's past, money, job, promises, and trust might be some of the common things among couples. So eventually, this is not just about Andrew being the only character whose dealing with a haunted past. This is about both of them, trying to heal each other, especially the fact that she comes from a traumatized past, with what happened to her, which makes it difficult for her to trust someone and believe in herself.

Finally, I will do my best to inform you of the next book coming out. Hopefully, I can stay alive until then!

Thank you so much for staying with me and tolerating my late updating. I know, I break promises just like these two. Should you have any questions, please post them here, and I will answer them one by one, gladly.

Have a great break away from me,

Till Later,

Laura B.

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