Chapter Fourteen

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The first thing that comes to my sense is the pressure in my ladyhood, and it most certainly would not go away with peeing. I snuggle my legs in and turn on my side, but a hand stops and instead spreads them by pushing me on my back. I moan with my eyes closed when the said hand starts massaging my skin sensually and then comes another hand pinching my nipples. Hmm, this is a good way to start a day.

With my eyes still closed, Andrew drops his lips on my smile and kisses me hard while his hands are onto their mission to torture my body to an orgasm.

"Good morning, baby," Andrew's sweet voice comes. I inhale his musky and rich cologne, which I've been smelling all day yesterday until I fell asleep. I open my eyes. His aquamarine blue eyes twinkle back at me. His smile is wide enough to reach his eyes as he looks down at me. Lowering his head, he aims for another kiss. However, he soon breaks it to attack my neck with sweet small kisses and sucking my skin

"F*ck, is there a way to cancel my plans and stay here with you?" He cusses.

"I can tie to bed and if they ask, I'll take the blame if you want," I giggle.

As we lie there on his big dark wooden modern bed, with the silent after my statement, I wonder if what I said hurt his feeling from his dominant side, after all, he wouldn't want to be tied to a bed surely. I mean, I can try that, sure, it would be lots of fun, but I guess that puts his power and dominance under question.

"No... you won't tie me to the bed." He responds finally, as he pushes me down again. "'Cause I'll tie you first." He attacks my neck again with kisses and sucking. Hmm, someone wants to mark me. I giggle.

Like yesterday, Andrew has to leave for work. I make some breakfast and we sit at the breakfast bar and enjoy our meal. He promises me to be back by noon, so he can help me buy a car. Even though I've told him it's not necessary, he insists. I know he doesn't want to miss the opportunity to shower me with his money, but I just don't feel right about it. Plus, I have earned the money and it would be only convenient to buy a car for myself with the money I've worked.

"I have some interview this morning. I hope they go well," I put the dishes in the dishwasher and straight my skirt before slipping my high heels on.

"Good luck. What companies?" he asks as we make our way outside the apartment.

"Design Tech, Modern Style, and one more that I don't remember." We step into the elevator, holding hands.

"Those are some good companies. I'm sure you'll do well. We can celebrate then, by noon," He smiles at me.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't be so sure about it. You know how they would play around with you before hiring or rejecting someone," I sigh.

My first interview goes pretty well. The interviewer doesn't seem like impressed, apparently there are better and more qualified people on the list, however, when I lay my resume out, he seems pretty shocked, nodding his head in approval. I owe that to Andrew. Were it not for him, I wouldn't have come strong with my resume.

By the time, my third interview is over, it's already twelve. I'm honestly not satisfied with my interviews. Mostly because they are looking for experienced people and since I haven't gained any experience, it diminishes my chances. Yet, I'm not very unfamiliar with this type of rejected since from the starting point when I wanted to find an internship and I couldn't, I knew it's going to be a tough field to play. But I love me a challenge, anyways.

Since I'm nearby Andrew's office building, I make my way there to surprise him. I pass the reception and don't receive any interruption, more likely it seems like everyone knows who I am. Shrieking to myself, feeling the eyes of curious people on me, I ride up the elevator to Andrew's floor, only to be welcomed with a smile on his receptionist's face. I nod my head and make my way to his office. My heart starts beating fast with excitement. My god, it is a long journey from the entrance to here.

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