Chapter Ten

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The struggle is real. Before going to college, they tell you and tell you that finding a job is not easy and you should be careful on what major you choose. They say not every interest will end you up being successful in the field. I start believing in that when I eventually graduated and had to look for a job. Though my first attempt was smashed under Andrew's perfect authority, I tend to find a job again. After applying for many positions here in LA, I give up and stand up and away from my phone, because another second can kill my vibe.

Getting off the phone after my third attempt to get a hold of a company, they finally reply 'will be contacting you soon,' anyone who seeks a job knows that line stands for 'sorry, you didn't get the job,'

I was supposed to think tonight. Over what Andrew has suggested yet I find myself getting away from the subject intentionally. I'd like to think it was the impulse of the moment and Andrew suggested something that he will regret when the time comes, but I know the truth is there and he was even soberer than me.

A feeling inside tells me tonight is going to be yet another crazy night. Andrew. I have once again gone against his instruction and avoid him by coming back to my apartment, well specifically refusing to go back to his apartment. Although I had all my reasons to stay put in my apartment since I've been away for a long time, I know he will show up eventually. And nothing can prove it right better than my side glances at clock anticipating his arrival. However, another feeling tells me, if he wants me then he should want what I do. I need time to think, away from him.

By six o'clock when he doesn't show up yet, I find every second boring. My apartment is stark, clean and every grocery and every bit of my attention have been paid. As I sit on my bed and looking over at my Jane Eyre book, I realize I can't stand another second alone. Wrapping myself in my jacket, wearing a pair of flats, I grab everything I need and make my way outside. As I stand, waiting for a cab, I curse at my laziness. I should look for a car soon. I can't keep wasting money on public transportation when they keep charging me double the gas price.

"Crystal tower, please," I sit back in the cab.

The ride doesn't last more than twenty minutes with the heavy traffic. Bidding my fare, I step out of the cab and walk toward the entrance.

As I stand before Andrew's front door, I get confused whether I should knock or just use my key. Andrew may be inside and if he didn't pull up a fight to get me out of my apartment, then maybe something is wrong and I should give him enough privacy. But after he asked me to move in, he should agree to all the fights I can bring.

Am I even able to move in? We just met and besides every emotion getting challenged among us, there is a fucked-up contract binding us together and even if I keep ignoring that fact, where can I get myself when this month is over? If things were different, then I shouldn't even have to hide my feelings. If Andrew didn't hide things from me, I wouldn't doubt our relationship. Who's to ask for my trust when they can't give it to you?

Taking a deep breath, I fish out my set of keys that he has provided for me generously, a sign that he did really mean for me to move in with him. Walking further, I find Andrew sitting at the breakfast bar with his laptop on the table a glass of wine next to him. He turns to face me. His hair is tousled, a trace of hand going through them raking them backward is clear. He's wearing loose sweatpants and a comfy shirt. But none of those can bring down his rate of hotness.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Hey," he whispers back with a smile and turns to his work. So he's not gonna make a fight of this? What happened to Andrew and what has he done to him? Honestly, I sit next to him and observe him, waiting for the bomb to finally get blown.

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