Chapter Thirty Three

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I think three days have passed since I have said goodbye to Andrew. I wish I could lose count of the days and hours. Yet, it's a good thing that I should get reminded of my stupid doing. Though my heart shouts yes and my logic tells me no, I still know one thing for sure. And that is I love him. I love him so much that I am willing to take risks. Perhaps, not now. Maybe, one day when hopefully it's not too late, and when I'm no longer lying on the hospital bed.

"He's still standing outside," Alice states as she helps me with another spoon of mashed rice.

"Has he gone home?" I ask curiously. I worry about him. I worry that he doesn't care for himself and it makes me feel like an *ss which I deserve, but I wish he would stop crowding me when I can't see the right from the wrong.

"Yeah, he did. He's been away all this morning, which is good because the company needs him. Josh told me he was very much needed."

"I'm glad he's not being stubborn," I cough and had to put the oxygen nasal back on to help me breathe.

Since I have a few broken ribs, breathing is very difficult for me. Though I wish I could get out of this place as soon as possible. I can't bear looking at the dull white walls around me and having the doctors inserting needles into me from the right and left.

Most of the medications dose me off, but even sleeping on the bed, doing nothing takes a lot of thinking and energy. I keep wondering about a dozen things. I keep having flashbacks of the night Andrew proposed to me and then I cry.

"Are you ok?" Alice gently asks, breaking my train of thoughts.

"I think I will be." I exhale. "Thanks for staying with me."

"I kinda sensed that you might need a friend right now." She says putting the plate away and proceeds to take my hand. "I know you Laura and I know how much you love Andrew. Knowing that and seeing you split up after an accident that got out of control... It just doesn't make a sense. But I know what you're doing is what you think is the best and I respect that. But I'm here for you. I'll always be. I'll help you to make the right decision." She couldn't stand still, so she reaches and brushes the side of my head like a sister that I don't have.

"Thank you," I whisper.

On the week four after the accident and two weeks after gaining consciousness, my doctor barges in while my aunt and I are talking about some family gossip. Andrew has stopped coming. I appreciate it. The more he would give me time to think, the more I can concentrate instead of thinking that the man of my dream is sitting outside on those hard chairs.

"Well, well, good news," he smiles down at me as he stands proudly with his chart. According to him, as he kept boasting his ego, I am one of his few patients to make it out of a four-level surgery including one kidney removed. The things people are proud of it.

"Oh, please tell me I can take my daughter home," my aunt says, cheerfully.

She has been suggesting I should move out of LA and come live with them until I can take care of myself. The thought is appealing, I must say. It means I get to get away from this city and all its haunted memory once and for all, but at the same time, I would be trampling all the good and sweet memories as well. I would be away from Andrew. Thousands of miles away.

"Well, something like that." Dr. Stevens says with his Scottish accent. His accent reminds me of the time Andrew read me the Jane Eyre in his British accent, which he has inherited from his late father. "Good news is you'll be discharged, in almost seven days. Are you happy?"

"Thoroughly," I say sheepishly as I feel the slumbering effect of the medicines I just took.

"You'll have to take a few medicines and I would give you specific instructions for your food. Since you are functioning on one kidney, you have to be very careful in the first two months. I'll be seeing you once in a while, though, and don't worry, I'll let you know when you can go back to eating junk again." he jokes.

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