Chapter Nine

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"Cheers," we raise our glasses and click in the air. Even though the chit-chat has been going since the bomb Josh has dropped, the tension between Andrew and I hasn't died since. He's well aware of my stare at him, yet he decided to ignore me in every possible way.

"Guys, did you know he has a freaking playroom in here?" Miles hands the last piece of plate to me as I put in the dishwasher.

"Oh yeah, we can crash there for the rest of the night," Josh suggests.

The name of the playroom alerts me. I'm not sure if I should warn Andrew or not. But it's clear what they are talking about. I try to keep my cool as I keep looking at josh and Miles to see if they are really serious.

"It's already eleven, Josh," Andrew's serious tone makes us look at him. This is his first words, since the rising tension.

"So? Stop being a party pooper. Besides, tomorrow we have a clear schedule. And I'm pretty sure, Jack can handle without us." Miles tries to make his way to the stairs. I look at Andrew, who seems oddly calm. What is wrong with him?

Did he know that his friends are aware of his playroom? The same room that I had to run away miles away because of its existence. The same room, I asked him to show me. Sh*t, he's not really going to stop them. Miles takes the lead with the rest of them as they rise up the steps upstairs.

"Andrew!" I warn him. Meanwhile, as the group walks graciously upstairs, I can't help, catching up with Andrew who's wearing a passive face, emotionless as a stone. Is he mad or something?

Before we could reach the end of the room, Josh takes a left and we enter the private living room. Confused, I follow them. I've never had time to explore this apartment, always engage with Andrew one way or another. But as far as I know this room doesn't have any entry to the playroom. The only door to the playroom is the one through my bedroom- or the submissive bedroom.

"Oh yeah, this place is amazing," Alice high fives Josh. When the whole view comes, I realize that all this time I've been fumbling for nothing. The said playroom is a playroom. Like an actual one where you play. Ok, that doesn't make any sense if you live in Andrew's clouds. The spoken room, where there is a huge home Cinema on the entrance, is filled with another TV on one side with some Xbox and a big machine which seems like to be a simulator the other side. A mini bar in between and a table football are also squeezed in between and in the middle of the room.

"Well, this is something I didn't know about either," I mumble under my breath. No one but Andrew hears me. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes while I keep looking forward, now it's my turn to avoid him. How much room is this place that I don't know of their existence?

"Who's playin' against me?" Miles takes one side of the table football, rolling his sleeves up.

"Me, me," Alice jumps up and down.

Soon the four of them start engaging in the games while Andrew and I stand aside and watch them having fun. I mean, look at Alice, she just met Josh and already they are going along well. Why can't we be like them? Jealousy rises in me.

I feel like an elderly standing aside, watching my kids playing. Yet in reality, I'm even younger than them. What has happened to me? I used to be one of those. I used to be carefree, so I can forget my pain. The pain from the past, yet the moment Andrew stepped into my life, I forgot all about fun. I forgot how to act young.

Sighing heavily, I turn my back to them and make my way out of the room.

"Wait, Laura, where are you going?" Ella shouts through the sound of the video game.

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