Chapter Twenty

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"Well, I'm gonna tell you this, Andrew, you have put yourself in a very deep sh*t." James comes forward after he reviews the copy of the contract Andrew has signed with Moore.

James Stanton is Andrew's personal lawyer. I had a feeling that a man such as Andrew, who is very precautious of every aspect of his life, would have two lawyers handle his company and his life. However, I did not expect the reaction from James. Mr. Stanton, or James as he prefers us to call him, is a very down to earth man. When this evening, just as Andrew promised would come, he and James walked in, I didn't strike him to be the lawyer. Wearing worn jeans and a white T-shirt with a name of a band written on in, I thought for a second that he's a delivery guy or something. However, I come to find out that James is actually a very thoughtful and understanding person who doesn't rub his wealth over people's nose, unlike someone. That someone could or could not be Andrew, by the way.

But you like that about Andrew. Well, yes, damn, I do.

"Thanks for the feedback man; you're here to solve the problem, not to make this worse!" Andrew snaps back.

"Listen, man, I get it. It was six years ago, you were... not aware of the consequences. But seriously man, what happened that would have you sign your soul to the devil?" he asks with concern as he reaches for the glass of water he has requested and I provided for him when he arrived.

"James, bad things happen in life. At the time of desperation, we all make mistakes and we regret. Now please, help us... I can't imagine my life without Andrew," I look at Andrew, who is sitting next to me with my hands in his firm. I couldn't help notice how nervous Andrew has been since this morning when he left me in the car.

"Yes, yes. I know. Don't worry, folks. I do all I can and even more to break this contract." He flips through the pages.

"So far I know Moore is very secretive about his life and his family. Amelia is very precious to him," Andrew explains looking at the papers with a deep frown,

"And did Amelia agreed to it, knowing she has to marry you?" he asks.

"Yes. She was the one who convinced her father to help me out in the condition to make me marry her." Andrew explains painfully as he looks at me with his lips pressed into a thin line,

"Andrew and Amelia were romantically involved by the time. They had a continuous on and off relationship back then," I exhale.

"Yeah, I know about that. There were some rumors about them marrying or something back then. I guess this explains it. I thought that you were just too busy for a relationship." James throws the last sentence at Andrew before swearing under his breath as he grabs his pen and writes something on the paper. "Now tell me about the business side of this contract,"

"Well, the deal was that I would get trainee under him, getting to know things with a good paying. I would do everything for him, banking, buying, and selling, for a year. Then he would give me a sum of money for my services and to do my own business... instead, I used the money and saving of mine to buy a part of his company he owned-

"Hold that thought," James snaps, raising his finger in the air as he takes furious notes on his notepad.

I look at Andrew with my eyebrow raised. Did I mention James is a little bit odd?

"Ok, so you broke a part of the deal technically a few years back then." He looks at Andrew concerned,

"No, I did not... That part of the deal was never specified. I was free to do whatever I desired. It was legal. He got me the training I needed and I knew exactly what to do with that money by then." He starts brushing his finger over the back of my hand.

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