Chapter Thirty Four

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"Did you talk to your employer?" Alice says as she settles next to me when everyone leaves. And by everyone, I mean Ella, my mother, my aunt who left in the morning, and Josh, who dropped by to see how I'm doing. Something tells me that I wasn't the only reason he visited, which is fine by all means.

"I did, yes. Imagine how surprised and happy I was when they told me I can have my job back whenever I receive a home-rest discharge from my doctor which will confirm I can continue working. And they agreed they'll wait for my return."

"Oh, wow. That's amazing news. I mean I don't think my employer give a fig about me missing or not. They'll just replace me in a wink," Alice scoffs.

After putting on a movie, Alice and I plunge ourselves into enjoying our time. She was right when she said it's been quite a long time since we have had a girls' night. I didn't know how much I have missed this until now. Laughing, crying, sitting on the edge of our seats, we spend the night having a movie marathon.

A few days later, as I am sitting on Alice's couch as usual, with my mother next to me, Alice enters the apartment from a long day at work. She looks exhausted and worn out. It rather makes me feel like I'm missing working too, as odd as it sounds.

When Mom leaves within an hour later, the apartment becomes empty. Whenever she's around, there is always a topic for a discussion or something interesting being scrutinized. As Alice takes her seat next to me, just as she does every day whenever she's home, a silence between us is produced. Alice seems to be deep in thought and whatever is consuming her mind seems like a serious topic.

"Josh told me something today," she finally spills it out. "Andrew has asked him to keep it quiet but he told me and I think a part of him knew I will tell you," she presses her lips into a thin line.

"What?" I lean forward, curiosity killing me. Something tells me this is about Andrew because that's the only subject shared between Josh, Alice and I, apparently.

"Andrew has asked him to see his apartment is... given to you. He's moving out the majority of his stuff, so you can have his apartment."

"WHAT!" I exclaim, suddenly, making Alice jump in her skin.

"He's gifting you the apartment since yours is long sold and he feels that you deserve to have it. Josh said it's financially not wise to do it, but Andrew's putting everything under your name, and paying off the expenses in advance-

"What are you talking about? When did this happen?" I ask, worried. What the hell is he doing?

"I don't exactly when and Josh is not the person who's doing it. Andrew has his estate manager to take care of it. Josh had to only make a few calls. I just thought since you're getting the apartment, you should know about it, even though Andrew has decided to keep it hush-hush," she says genuinely. "Look, I know you better than you think. I get it; you're hurt, vulnerable, and fragile. You're trying to push others away, especially men. You did the same thing seven years ago with Matt," she points out.

I stare at her, eyes wide open; not because I'm surprised at her bold statement, but because I realize she not only knows me better than I assume she does, but also she knows me better than I know myself.

"You're thinking that because you're hurt, you'll be 'wasting their time' or forcing them to stay with you just because you're hurt and they don't have the power to call it quit. Maybe that was the case with Matt, but Andrew would never feel like that. You're pushing him away because you're insecure right now. Because you feel like you don't deserve him because you're hurt, physically and emotionally, and he deserves better. But for God's sake, stop making decisions for him. If he truly thinks like that and he would call it off, then to hell with it, it only proves you that he doesn't deserve you. What are you afraid of?" she says angrily.

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