Chapter Two

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I start walking aimlessly through the busy streets of San Francisco. Jess has suggested since my return to LA is a no-no, I try to find a temporary job. She told me this is the only reason I can forget about what happen and who knows maybe I move on.

Now, as I'm sitting in this diner, alone all by myself, I can't find the appetite to eat what I've ordered. Though several days pass from the mischievous naked truth, I feel the need to cry even more desired.

As I'm in my own daydream, someone sits just in front of me, but before I can protest, the person's identity astonishes me. How could this be possible?

"It's been seven days, Laura, I need you," his voice dark and warm as I remember descents on me.

With my mouth wide open and eyes blurry with tears, I find myself paralyzed just like the first time I met him. The questions of how he found me here or how could it be possible for him to be here are running in my head, but when it comes down to the pain in my chest from missing him too much, these none sense reality goes away.

"I've looked for you everywhere, I couldn't sleep these seven days, my life was a misery, I want you back," this is like a dream, having him in front of me out of nowhere. Am I dreaming? How did I end up here?

"Andrew," I whisper his name, hot tears cover my cheeks. He reaches over and brushes them off with his thumb. With the simple innocent touch of his, I'm now nothing but a wreck of my own emotions.

"Laura, my beautiful princess, I've finally come for you, I'm here, you have nothing to be worried about, let's go," he stands up and reaches out for my hand.

"But what about your private life, you know, you being a Dom, I can't take that?" I mutter slowly, afraid other people may hear us, but he doesn't care much or so it seems as he continues to look at me with a straight face yet calm and gentle.

"What about it? You and I have been doing this dirty deed for about a month, we can do more, I know you like it, besides you do know I can't change for you," something about him is changed, I don't know whether our seven days apart made him this emotionless stone as he speaks, or is this his true self, the person who he's been hiding it from me because he didn't want me to run away but now that I did, why try to hide?

He seems more dominant, stricter, his words are emotionless even though his face says something else, and whatever comes out of his mouth seems narrated. Who is this man?

"I can't, you know that too, that's the only reason why I'm here. I may like having a few dirty things here and there, but I can't become your submissive and have you whip the way you want me to be. Don't think I'm ok with what is going on between us, Andrew, you need to change as much as I do."

"And you know that I wouldn't change, so why to bother? Don't you want to be with me? so do as other twelve girls did and become my Sub, that way we can reach satisfaction." He ends it with a quick smile. Now that I look closely, his eyes are different. I'm not looking up at those cute icy blue eyes. No, these are not Andrew's.

"Who are you? Andrew, please don't ask me that. Don't you dare to put a BDSM barrier between us, you tell me one thing, did you enjoy those little dates we used to go? Don't you wish to hold hands and walk down a beach?"

"No, those were acts, so I can only make you satisfy with what little I can get from you, this is the bottom line, you either want to be my Sub or not?"

"Andrew," I breathe out, failing to find the word to utter. What went wrong? "I'm sorry, I can't," only when moments ago I thought that was the end of my tears, they yet again dance down. So this is the end. I'm not really going to see him again.

Blazes of Temptation- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now