Chapter Thirteen

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Mature contact ahead- do not read between lines.

"You're mad," I utter on the way back to his place. He never asked me if I wanted to stay the night, no, in fact, the actual opposite, his dominant side decided it would be better just to handle the situation himself and drag me back to his apartment. Not that I mind, anyways.

"Of f*cking course, I am," he looks outside and slightly tilts his body away from me.

Scott, who is driving skillfully and unaffected toward the heavy traffic, pretends that he does not exist in the car and doesn't hear any of our conversation as always.

"What did you expect from me? To accept your proposal and work for you? I've told you why that will never work." I huff at his inconvenient and turn my face away.

"He is my enemy, Laura. He would do anything to get to me and out of all the things he has planned for me, you made it completely open for him to play his ground," He speaks with such a motion in his tone as his nasal flares with a huff.

"You guys didn't seem like that over lunch," I state as a matter of fact since I quite remember them talking about business in a formal tone. Nothing about that made it scary or threatening.

"What do expect us to do? To grab on to each other's collar and beat the sh*t out of each other? That's not how business goes," ok, now he's acting like a jealous child who didn't get the candy he wanted.

"Andrew, you knew I would work somewhere far from you eventually. Besides, I haven't had my interview yet, who knows, maybe he wouldn't accept me," I try to convince this angry beast.

"Work for any firm you want, but not him. He wouldn't let you slip out of his grasp. I bet you a million dollars that he would accept you no matter what," he groans.

I've never been in the business industry so I wouldn't know how intense it is for them to deal with each other. However, hiring someone from another company is not uncommon and it happens all the time. So what these two men are dealing with, I believe, is not far from that.

"I cancel it, if it satisfies you," I sigh, giving up already. The old me would have stuck her foot in the ground and would not back out, however, everything has changed. Our relationship taught me if I demand something and he is willing to bend to my bidding, then I should have as much respect and do so. I guess, after all, we are changing one another for better.

"I'll give you a list of the firms I knew they look for interior designers." He turns to face me with a tight smile. Ooh, someone is happy now that he got what he wanted.

"No interfering," I point my finger at him.

"No interfering," He promises.

When we arrive at his place, we instantly make our way to his office, so he can help me with my resume and give me a list of people. I send my resume to him via email; he prints and sits down to look at it carefully.

"See, here you mentioned you had five portfolios done in college, why just bring detail of three? Give away the other two." He draws a red circle around my portfolio. "And you need to change the tone here. When I wanted to hire someone, which I don't do it any longer myself, I would look at their tone. You would know whether they like what they want to do or what they're doing or not. In here, you wrote "The drafts are able in the University Archive," that's like saying, 'Go find it,' instead write something like "The drafts are available to public on the University Achieve" and then write in a parenthesis, "find it here," and put the link. I mean you want to make it as much as easier for them. Also, you don't need to put all the classes that you've taken. Just mentioned the last and most important one." He starts writing down on his laptop as I stand next to him and watching his fingers pressing buttons. "Also, make the section more visible. People are so lazy. They can't scan over all these details, but for sure, they count them. So make them visible. Like highlight the sections in gray,"

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