Chapter Twelve

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The next morning, we wake up as a married couple would; first doing some deeds and exercise in bed, then showering. That also included another round too. That was before I became aware of the mark "mine" on my butt. Andrew spent a good half an hour on that. Rubbing and massaging with a sponge or with his hands. The son of a gun enjoyed it.

"I've got a big deal today," He confesses as I help him with his tie, like a good wife that I'm... not.

"Really? Good luck," I smile at him as I finish the last touch before raking my hands over his broad shoulders, feeling the hard muscles that I enjoyed nailing this morning. Savage, right?

"Thanks, baby," he leans down and kisses me on the lips. "Do you have plans for today?" he asks as we make our way to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"No," I sit down and start pouring Andrew a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "I was wondering, though, can I use your laptop to apply for some jobs?"

"Of course, feel free to use anything." he pops a piece of toast in his mouth and chews on it. "I'll see what my schedule is and let you know, ok?"

He gives me his goodbye by a chaste kiss on my lips before leaving me alone in this big apartment. I sigh. Well, it seems like I have nine hours to kill.

I don't sit behind his computer in his office until after ten; meanwhile, I cleaned the mess we made last night, including the love setting he had with all those cheese that went to waste since they've been out for too long. Looking through different companies, I find that you have to at least have three years experience, meaning you have to have a job or had a job to get that experience and if you don't then... You don't get a job? Argh, people!

As I'm trying to search though the mini supermarket of Andrew, A.K.A Andrew's fridge, I hear my phone chiming on the table somewhere. After finding it, I read the ID caller as Andrew.

"Miss me already?" I flirt as I answer the call.

"Hmm, so much. I was hoping you were here at that damn boring conference." he groans. Uh-oh, someone's having a hard.

"How did it go, BTW?"

"Superb, of course. You know I would win the case," he blurts highly of himself. I reply with an 'of course' as I roll my eyes. "Hey, I just checked my schedule and I was wondering if you want to lunch today? I have enough time to come and get you," there are some shuffles and then a click of a door.

"Yeah, sure. You want me to come up there, or you're coming here?" I ask as I start pacing toward the bedroom so I can find a change of clothes.

"I'll be there in about twenty minutes," he confirms,

"Ok," I agree.

"Alright, see you," he says.

I open my mouth to reply with an 'I love you'. But I stop myself before it happens. What power possessed me? I ask myself. "Ok," I reply in a blur and hang up the phone. That would have been so awkward. Confessing my feelings while not having them return back would be another issue on which I'm not really keen to have that.

Looking through the dresses, I search and cling. None of these are my style. They're just too high socialized and too much for me. I finally take out this blue, navy cocktail dress that is nothing but a piece of cloth all over with no pattern but with this huge beige belt. That'll go with the being accessory set, a bag, and high heels. As I dress up, I push one of the drawers to have it open. I observe the other accessories one by one. One watch, three sets of earrings, some high price 'fake' bracelet and other stuff.

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