Chapter Five

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I drop my fork on the plate with a loud thump, unintentionally. But that grabs Andrew's attention who's been constantly staring off at some point behind me and avoids me during the dinner we just had.

After ordering food, he forced his idea of first eating and then going down to business. Typical Andrew. But I guess this is his way of showing that he cares about me and at the same time spending more time with me before spilling the beans and officially making me run away. Though I know what my decision would be in the end, I'm not sure if I can put myself in that situation again; knowing after one-month things will be over. After all, he never told me that he has feelings for me and for that he wants me back. That's what I want from him. To open up.

And I guess that is why I'm so terrified. I should be happy after all, he's changing. He's willing to change the contract and even get rid of it, he drove here all alone to get me back, he misses me, isn't it enough to live for? Isn't it a good sign? So why am I so hung up on just three words, and I don't expect those three words to be 'I Love You' but I do expect him to tell me 'I Have Feelings'.

"Done already?" he teases as he puts another bite of roasted chicken in his mouth. I know he's delaying his eating, intentionally. But who am I to object?

"Waiting for dessert," I reply with a smile at the end. But I guess in our position, it wasn't the best thing to say, after all, it could mean many things. After a few seconds of silence, I decide to ask the question I asked many days before- this time in person, "Why would you do when our time ends?"

He stops eating and all of a sudden he pushes his plate aside, looking down at the table, "I'm hoping you stay with me even after the one month is over. I don't about the future, but I know I want it to be with you."

This time, it's my turn to getting tense. Why does he keep giving me mixed signals, why doesn't he just give me a yes or a no?

"What if you get tired of me? What if after two months, you realize that, it's not something you were hoping to have? I mean at some point, you and I don't match."

"You're right. That's why I want to talk"

Are you ready to hear the truth? Would you be ok if he tells you a no? My mind wonders.

"Is it the time yet?" I ask him, curiosity is killing me from within.

"I guess so," he extends his hand as an offering and I take it gladly. We settle down on the two chairs just in front of the big windows.

"When I was seventeen, I had to get away my home. My mother just met a new guy and um... she was already pregnant with him, Harrison. They had Evelyn shortly after they married. But by the time, I was miles away. I was trying to make a living for myself and... I had to work in a garage illegally so I can support a living without a guardian. When I hit eighteen. I start working in night clubs, illegally again. But then I met this group... they would do some dirty works like gambling and money laundry and all the works you can think of. I participate in their gambling at some point, though I tried to avoid anything else that they would do. Initially, I was able to stabilize myself. I went to college, but of course, I drop out at the third year,

"I was closed off, emotionless and like a corpse. Some things had happened, that I wish not to talk about now. But seven years ago. I was dead inside and I was lost. Of course, my mother found me by then. She tried to help me. I rejected her. Then Amelia came along. I think she was put on my way by my mother. After all, she was a young woman who was seductive and used to get own way, she put me back on line. By then, I had my emotions closed, I was functioning just fine though. Four years ago, I started my BDSM lifestyle, technically everything in me started from then, I became a new person, started my own empire, I reached the corporation level and here I am holding one the most successful companies in the shortest time. At times, it makes me wonder how fast I forgot about my past life and even, sometimes, I wonder if luck got me here because four years merely get you anywhere.

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