Chapter Four

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I have never felt so much devastated in my life. I have never felt this weak with only a few words spoken. It feels like the whole world stops before my eyes. Yet, I can see the commotions around me. The loud music, the colors splashing around us. The slow hidden grin on Jess' face gives nothing away, but the person standing just behind me.

Even though I'm facing Jess, who can't decide to look at me or look behind me, I can feel the intense gaze upon me. I can feel his breath, his touch, and his eyes.

"I should better go... you know. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Martinez," Jess waves and suddenly gets out of my sight. I don't know if I should be happy or stalk her ass and kill her. By all means, she knows she has put herself in some hot water for summoning the only person I wanted to see the last.

Don't lie. A voice calls from within. I know exactly whose it belongs to. My heart. And what really bothers me is the true fact of it. Now that I have that one person just waiting behind me to turn around and face him, a feeling washes through me. Happiness, may I call it to be specific.

"Laura," he calls. His voice shakes my body. Butterflies stir in my belly. What am I doing? Why I'm so responding to whatever he says? "We should talk,"

"Please, Mr. Martinez, you and I have nothing to talk about," and then like a stubborn child I am, I step away from him without even looking behind me. Though my heart screams at me to stay, though the electricity is pulling at every ounce of my body, I still walk away.

But little do I know after three steps I take, he grabs my arm and forces me to turn around. And there it is. Those icy blue eyes with the reflex of the dark room. With one look at him, my heart stops. My palms start getting sweaty. Butterflies are everywhere. And with that half of my defense against him falls down.

"Mr. Martinez, huh? When did we become so informal?" He dangerously utters before taking a step and now we are nose to head. His hot breath flatters my face. "I let you go one time. One fucking time and look at where we are. So don't expect me to let you go again."

Dark eyes, a five o'clock shade covered his chin and cheeks, he looks horrible. He is dressed in a simple gray shirt that clings to his body perfectly. But even in a piece of clothing, he looks hot and delicious as ever. What am I talking about? I must have gone out of my mind.

It was just barely three hours ago that I promised myself I wouldn't think about him again, I wouldn't find him attractive again, and yet here I am staring at him with all my anger in me, admiring his body. I must have gone out of my mind.

He keeps his eyes on me, not the way that demands you to keep the gaze, but the kind of stare that swallows you inside them.

"Letting me go? Andrew, you didn't let me go, you just screwed what we had and blew me away. Now you come here and expect me to jump into your arms? I may be desperate or depressed over you, but don't expect me to let you in. You did this to us. You made us so apart the moment you deicded to lie to me and cheat on me, " I nearly shout the last words, attracting attention from people standing nearby.

Andrew groans, "I did lie to you and I'm so so f*cking sorry. Let me explain, let me tell you everything, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you everything from the beginning, but I was afraid of this," he motions his both hands towards me. "I was afraid of you running away and you did. And for your information, I've never cheated on, never, ever,"

"Oh, really. Then explain why she was in your apartment with you drunk all over. She was literally all over you," I think my veins are going to pop in any minute.

"I would never allow her to come between us. She just gave me a ride home. I was drunk. I needed someone to take me home and I didn't want that person to be you because I was ashamed of myself. Had I known she would seize the opportunity and try to get to me, I wouldn't have asked her int eh first place. believe me, I have no desire for her whatsoever, it's all you and I think you're stuck in my mind that you make every other woman ruined for me, baby,"

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