Chapter Twenty Six

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The world stops before me. My breath is caught. My head is spinning. And there, kneeling before me, is Andrew, looking up at me, waiting.

The question sure is simple. Do I want to marry him? Do I want to be his wife? And yet the feeling of being overwhelmed and under pressure denies me of the true answer.

Covering my mouth, I feel the first drop of water on my hands. That is when I realize I'm crying. I'm crying. I'm crying about the fact that this man whom I am deeply in love wants me to marry him.

"Laura?" He asks, breaking my trains of thoughts.

Nodding my head slowly, my crying turns to slow sobbing.

At that moment, I drop to my knees and grab his face. He seems shocked to see me kneeling, but before he can say anything, I kiss him. With all my love and passion, I attack his lips.

Breaking the kiss, Andrew looks at me breathlessly.

"Laura, you are killing me. Will you-

"Yesssss. Yesss. Yes. I'll marry you. I want to marry you. Yessss." I giggle cry my words.

Andrew grins at my answer. Leaning over me, pushing me down on the white sleek surface of the deck, he hovers over me with his eyes hooded. I can feel his desire, his need. Even if the evidence of his lust were not enough to convince me, his erection poking me on my thighs is.

Putting one knee between my legs, pressing my inner thighs and occasionally my sex, he straddles my legs.

"I love you," he whispers,

"I love you, too," I lift myself a bit to claim his lips. Not wanting to waste another moment, he complies with my request and grabs my face in his big hands and start kissing me passionately. Trailing his hand from my neck to my shoulders, he slowly grazes my skin with the back of his hand and tries to slide the shoulders off as far as possible. Deciding that I need to get naked since the pressure in my folds has started pushing me over the edge already; I reach back and desperately try to unzip my dress.

When I see no effort in that, I let it go and grab Andrew's shoulders, pulling him to my body. After savoring my mouth, indulging his tongue and skimming his lips over mine, he follows the line of my jaw to my shoulder blades and my cleavage.

Inhaling and gasping at each stroke of his tongue, I plead him incoherently.

"You smell nice. I love the way your skin looks after I suck it," he looks down at me, pausing for a few minutes.

"Please, don't stop now," I beg.

He chuckles, ignoring me completely. Lifting my skirt to my waist, he teases my skin with the tip of his fingers. Growing restless, I lift my hips unconsciously.

But all the touching suddenly stops.

Opening my eyes, rising on my elbows, I look at him as he searches for something. Finally finding it, he comes back to my side, helps me sit on my heels as he does so. Grabbing my left hand, he puts the ring on my wedding finger.

Shining, even through the night, the silver ring has a huge diamond, Three carats, if I guess correct, paired with two small ones next to it and several smaller rounding the ring. It's beautiful. Elegant.

"Do you like it?" he asks. I look at him with tears in my eyes, which gives me a blurry vision, before I look back at the ring, "I wasn't sure if it'll fit your finger."

"It's perfect. Amazing." I chuckle, brushing my tears. Lunging myself at him, I hug him. Not because he's probably spent a fortune on the ring, but because he cares for me, he loves me, he wants to marry me. And I wouldn't have married him even without a ring.

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