Chapter Twenty Two

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I gulp soundly.

Staring down at the image of a white piece of paper with disoriented and uneven handwriting- obviously, not to trace a clue, I find myself trembling with fear. The language is harsh enough to smell the anger and revenge. To think that someone is watching us, someone is out there, waiting for me, I think it's a miracle that I'm still alive.

"Who is- my voice breaks, unable to finish my sentence, "Do you have a clue who it could be? They're trying to... Andrew," scared, I look up to find Andrew worried and frowning. He's a few inches away from me. His eyes seek mine as he regards me with care and a feeling that I thought is unknown to him. Fear.

"I've already given it to the police. They're trying to track things down... I don't know who it could be. And..." he trails off, taking a shaky breath. "Someone is after you. Someone who is trying to hurt me through you. And I don't know whom I'm going to deal with this. But... I can't live if anything.... Happens to you... I just..." I see something shimmer in his eyes. Feeling weak already, I push my wariness and I hug him. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my head.

"I need to think. I need to search to see the potential people who can hurt us. Oh my god." He takes a shaky breath. "There are a lot of people." He titters nervously, "What have I done?" he whispers.

"We can through this. Like every other time. Nothing can separate us. Nothing can stand between us," I assure him.

Hesitantly, still wrapped in each other's brace, we make our way to the couch and sit down with me on his lap. He looks up at me, his expression grimaced.

"In business, it's normal trying to cut someone else's way. That's how one company gets rich. I have my own strategies. I cut the chase and beat everyone to get to my goal. I hurt people, but that's business. Why would anyone try to hurt you and me, personally, to prove his point? If they really want to hurt us, why not take that on me, on my company. I have never done anything injustice. The most I've done was to steal a chance by beating to them. If they've come to you, I don't know how far they can take this,"

"What about your family? Evelyn?" I ask, already worried about them,

"They'll be safe. They already have their own bodyguard, but just as a precaution, I have told Liam and Nick," he says.

"Do you have anyone suspicious of this?" I ask him,

He pauses for a few seconds before answering, "A few. Moore is on top of the list," he presses his lips into a thin line,

"Why would he threaten us? What would gain out of this? The only outcome would be hurting himself because all the arrows are pointed toward him," I wonder.

"True, but if it's one thing I've learned from business is that bold and impelling decisions are common and that no one has really a good reason for trying their hands out," he explains. Observing him closely now, I see lines of distress on his forehead. His hair is ruffled and slightly away from a mess. His eyes don't have their usual color.

"Do you think he has a motive to do this? I mean other than his defeat in the contract. Perhaps, it's his daughter. Amelia." I suggest.

Andrew shakes his head, already deep in thought, "I don't think so. I know Moore and I know Amelia. The more I think about it, the more it becomes clear that it's not them. Moore is smart. He may want to get back at me, but he wouldn't do that anytime soon. It's not him." he murmurs, "It's someone else. Someone who is frustrated and desperate and wants to get revenge. Someone who clearly knows about you. It could be anyone. It could be Matt," he exclaims angrily,

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