Chapter Thirty One

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Andrew's Point of View

"Andrew?" Scott calls my name after numerous times. Every time, I keep ignoring him as his words are lost in the sea of my unconsciousness.

I decide to reply this time.


Since the moment we have returned from the kidnapping scene, I haven't been myself. I walk, breath, think but I lack in every other human aspect. Even though Scott has been insisting me to sleep, I could not get a wink. It has been twenty-four hours since, and a lifetime, I have last seen Laura. Since I have last held her hands since I have heard her melodic voice.

"The police wants to know if you're willing to do a conference with their force," he says.

Imprisoning myself in my office since we have returned, Scott has been my only connection to the world outside. I turn my chair around and reprieve myself from the vast view of the city for a few seconds.

"No. Let them do what they want to do," I reply.

"Andrew, you've got to do something. Torturing yourself will not get you anywhere and will most definitely not help Laura,"

"I can't do anything. I can't..." I stand up, shaking. Every time I let myself think about it, I remember my sister's dead body, lying on the floor, bloodied and savagely abused. And every time those thoughts consume me, I see Laura replaced by her. I see her lying cold on the floor. And I lose it. "You don't know what I know,"


"No, you have no idea. Nobody knows what he can do. Everyone is taking this too lightly. He's a murmurer, a master criminal who wouldn't mind getting his pleasure out of this. YOU DON'T KNOW," I shout, swiping my hand over the desk and sending papers and other materials flying.

"Andrew, look at me, son," Scott says, using his age to instruct me like a father would do. Like my father should have done. But no, he had to go and die and leave my poor mother alone. That might be the only pity I would ever give to her. "I'm not going to say everything will be alright because it's not going to be and I don't know what's going to happen, but I will make sure we find her. We can find them. It's not too late. Come on, go freshen up and let's do this together,"

I stare at my hands, turning them around, gazing at my palms.

"Now, come on," Scott helps me to stand up and walks me out of my dimmed self-prison.

Almost three hours later, we are standing in a room full of officers, agencies who are putting their best effort to find her.

"Sir, you're the phone is ringing," the officer next to me says.

I reach into my pocket and take out my phone, which I haven't noticed has been ringing. Glancing at the caller ID, I frown, not recognizing the number.

I decide not to answer it. I don't care what an unknown ID has to say to me. Right now, my priority is to find Laura, safe and sound.

When I return the phone, which is still ringing in my pocket, one of the police chiefs calls my name,

"Who's that?" the chief asks me,

"Unknown number. I'm letting it go to voicemail," I reply.

"No, don't do that. Answer it," he turns to one of his men, "record his call and put it on speaker,"

"Why would I answer a call I don't know?" I ask him, confused for a second,

"It could be the suspect, sir," it's the only words before I swiftly take it out, let it connect to their device and answer it.

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