Chapter 2: Wannabe

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Chapter 2: Wannabe

Rachel Berry took one last look at her class schedule before slamming her locker shut. She looked through her daily planner and made a mental checklist in her head. She had a lot to do today. After World History and Advanced Geometry, she would have a break at third period, which she often chose to spend in the library working on extra credit. By the time lunch came, she would start prepping herself for after school activities.

Just then, Mercedes Jones walked up to her. "So listen, I know today's usually the busiest day of your week, but seeing how that it's Friday and your ballet lessons only start at 4pm tomorrow, what do you say to a sleepover?"

"Did I just hear the word sleepover?"

Rachel and Mercedes turned towards the voice only to find Kurt Hummel, the final addition to their infamous trio, looking at his reflection from the mirror in his locker.

"Oh god, I'm running out of hairspray. How am I suppose to get this perfect hairline in place?"

Rachel giggled at Kurt's comment. It amazed her how he could look at his reflection almost a hundred times in a day and still couldn't resist picking out flaws every time he did it.

"Yeah, I was thinking of hanging out at Rachel's place like how we'd used to. Ever since she took up extra vocal lessons, she hardly has any time for us!" Mercedes gave a side look to Rachel who had gone back to her daily planner.

"I have a better idea. Why don't you guys come over to my place instead? Ever since the move, Dad has given me a much bigger room, and we could spend the night watching musicals like we used to."

Kurt knew that Rachel needed a well-deserved break. Her dark circles were beginning to show and he had to control himself from pointing out that she was close to looking like a tired old lady everyday. He couldn't wait to test a couple of samples he got recently and if she knew of the plans he had for her face, she would reject the idea of a sleepover completely.

Rachel thought about the proposition her two closest friends made. It did seem like a good idea, and oh god, how she needed a day of relaxation. She had to admit that with the final year approaching, she barely spent any time with her friends, let alone doing something fun.

"All right. We'll meet tonight at the Hudson-Hummel residence. How does 7pm sound? It'll give us ample time to head home, have dinner and pack."

Mercedes and Kurt smiled in unison and and said their goodbyes before rushing for first period just as the school bell rung.

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