Chapter 3: Tonight, Give Me Everything

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Chapter 3: Tonight, Give Me Everything

Finn was in the kitchen making a peanut butter jelly sandwich when he heard the front door slam.

"Dad! Carole! I'm home!"

"We're in the kitchen!"

"Hey Carole, where's Dad?" Kurt questioned Carole while walking across the kitchen, towards the refrigerator. He pulled out a juice box and sat beside Finn who had started making his second PBJ sandwich.

"He's still at the auto shop. He had some last minute customers he couldn't turn down." Carole replied with a smile on her face.

"I see. So listen, Rachel and Mercedes are coming over to spend the night. That's okay with you two right?" Kurt hadn't asked for any permission about the sleepover because it wasn't the first time the girls had stayed over. But he felt the need to inform his parents about his plans for the evening.

"Of course it's okay. Burt and I would be out for the night anyway. But please, remember to keep it at a decent level if you three are going to be playing Broadway again. You wouldn't want the same thing to happen again now, would you?"

Kurt chuckled at the last question. At the previous sleepover, the trio decided to put up a 3 men production of Rent. Needless to say, when the local police pulled up at the Hudson-Hummel residence, Burt and Carole were not too pleased having to explain that they were just teenagers having fun at 2am in the morning.

"You know how Rachel is when we start doing Broadway. But I'll try to keep it under control."

Finn perched up in his seat at the mention of her name. Rachel. Rachel Berry, the girl who kept him up all night. The girl whom he was suppose to start dating because of the stupid game he played last night. Between school, football and Quinn, he hardly had any time for homework. And now, he has to start dating another girl? With final year approaching, he started to worry if he would be able to graduate high school in the midst of the chaos he was in.

"What time would they be coming over?" Finn had promised Puck and Quinn that he would start talking to her today. But after a whole afternoon of training, he hardly had any energy left. Perhaps Kurt's sleepover would be the perfect way to start talking to her.

"We decided at 7pm. Why?" Kurt raised his eyebrows when he heard his stepbrother questioned him. Finn Hudson was never one to care about his stepbrother's life. He never mixed well with Kurt's social circle, and hardly made any contact with Kurt at McKinley High, only the occasional "I'm going to Quinn's, tell Mum" one-second conversation. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to prepare myself for the noise. You know how crazy you three can get." Finn continued munching on his PBJ sandwich while Kurt gave Carole a weird look.

"Okay then. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." Kurt left the kitchen after disposing the juice box in the bin and started walking towards his room. He had to do a quick cleaning of his room before his girls arrived.

Carole walked over to her son who had been sitting opposite her. "Finn, Burt and I would probably be back only at midnight. Think you could watch over the trio while we're away? Just make sure they keep their volume down."

"Of course mum, you know you can count on me."

"Thanks honey. I'm going to start getting ready on dinner for you two, so wash the plate once you're done." Carole gave a peck on her son's forehead before walking to the kitchen sink.

Finn smiled to himself. Rachel Berry, Tonight's going to be a night to remember. Because by the end of the night, I'm going to make you mine.

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