Chapter 9: Half Life

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Chapter 9: Half Life

Rachel smiled at the gentle giant in front of her. She knew that this time, he was serious. And yet, there was something preventing her from saying yes. She knew it was too soon for her to agree to his question especially since she wasn't sure about how she felt towards him.

"Don't push your luck, Hudson." She removed her hand from his wrist and leaned back in her seat.

He fingered over the spot where she last laid her hand on and almost instantly, yearned for her touch again. Knock it off Hudson what's wrong with you? Remember the plan!

Just then Rachel took a final gulp of her milk and stood up.

"Okay fine. But I was serious about needing your help in World History." He knew he was pushing it by asking for a study date, but it was worth a shot.

"I usually do my revisions on Sunday. You're welcome to join me at the community library if you'd like. How does noon sound?"

Finn wrinkled his nose at the suggestion. Sunday was usually his day for snoozing in. And noon? He'd barely left his bed on the weekend, at least not until 5pm when it was nearly dinnertime. Still, he was desperate for help in World History. And there was no way he would give up the chance in getting to know her better.

"Cool. See you Sunday then"

As Rachel exited the kitchen, Finn found himself looking forward to Sunday. And it wasn't because his plan was working. Sure, he finally scored some one on one time with Rachel, but his excitement had no relation to the dare he promised to. He couldn't quite understand his anticipation so he decided to brush it off.

The next day, just as the afternoon sun started to settle into the Hudson-Hummel living room, Kurt stirred from the buzz of the coffee machine.

"Good afernoon honey!"

He growled at the sound of the voice just as Carole greeted him. Kurt looked at the wall clock and realized that it was nearly 1. If Rachel and Mercedes weren't getting up any time soon, Rachel was going to be late for her ballet lessons. He nudged the lump beside him, only to realize that Rachel's sleeping bag was empty.

Rachel reluctantly trudged up the stairs of the Hudson-Hummel household. She knew that her dads were expecting her to be home by in an hours time as they were rushing off to the Rosie O'Donald cruise for the rest of the weekend until Monday evening. They wanted to kiss her goodbye before they left and made sure that she would be safe having the house to herself for the next couple of days.

"Good afternoon Rachel"

Rachel turned to the sound of the voice. "Good afternoon Mr. Hummel."

"Sleep well?"

"I sure did." Rachel replied, thinking back at the series of events that happened from the night before. After her conversation with the star quarterback, she went to sleep with a smile on her face. She wasn't quite sure why. Nothing particularly special happened. But after she left the kitchen, she had this strange warm feeling in her stomach that brought her to sleep immediately. Maybe it was just the milk.

"So listen, Carole and I promised Kurt we'd take him to the mall today because there's some sale at his favourite store. I guess Carole underestimated the time you three would take to get up; otherwise we would be able to give you a lift. So I'm afraid we'd only be able to send Mercedes home since your place is a little far out. Would it be ok if someone else send you home?"

Rachel furrowed her brows as she thought about how she could get home in time. If she were to catch a bus back, she might miss the chance in seeing her dads. Not to mention, Brittany Pierce, her friend from dance, had texted her earlier that her mom would be swinging by around 315 to pick her up for their lesson at 4.

Seeing her worried expression, Burt spoke up again. "Not to worry though. I doubt Finn has any plans for the day. I'll get him to send you."

"Would that be too much of an inconvenience though? I could always get my dads to pick me up."

"That's alright. Finn needs to stop waking up in the middle of the day anyway. That kid has got to learn that sleeping in on weekends isn't going to do any good for his grades if he wants to keep them up."

Rachel chuckled at the man's comment. Although he had not long ago claimed his position as a father figure to the boy, Burt cared for his education as though Finn had been his son all along.

"Well, if it's not too much trouble."

"Then it's settled then. I'll get him up now. It's Saturday, so Carole made some waffles. You wouldn't want to take too long in there before it all disappears." Burt nodded in the direction of the bathroom before heading towards his stepson's room.

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