Chapter 29: Tomorrow

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Chapter 29: Tomorrow

"Okay, that was a 9. But we got to make it a 10. Come on guys, where was that chemistry from 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart'? I don't feel that you guys are into this. The vocals are good, but we need more chemistry."

"Mr. Schue, its just prom. People aren't going to notice us singing. They'll be too busy dancing with their dates." The tiny girl commented.

"Now Rachel, is that what a real artist would say? Didn't you always say that you're a star? With you giving me this attitude, I'm starting to doubt if giving you the solo for a nationals was an ideal choice."

Finn had to step up for Rachel, no way was he going to allow Mr. Schuester to think twice about giving Rachel the solo. She earned it. "Sorry Mr. Schue, that was my fault. Don't blame Rachel for this. Maybe we should take a break. I promise that I'll sing better the next time."

Will Schuester nodded and decided to give his students some extra space.

"You didn't have to stand up for me like that." Rachel said softly.

Finn looked down at the girl. "Let's face it Rachel, you're better than anyone in this school. You don't need me or any other guy to anchor you in Lima. You're a real star, and you need to shine. Just because I can't be with you, doesn't mean I don't believe in you."

She took his hand and held onto it. "Thank you."

As prom drew nearer, Finn and Rachel practiced even harder than before. They wanted to make their final school dance a night to remember.

"That was really good guys! I think we're done here. Good good job!" Will Schuester said proudly after they were done with their final rehearsal.

As he left the choir room, Finn looked at Rachel who was packing up her things.

"Rach," He started. "Thanks for agreeing to help me with this."

She looked up at him and down into her bag. "Just don't screw it up alright."

Then, she left before Finn could say another word.



Upon seeing her reply, Finn immediately called her. He was feeling nervous about their performance tomorrow and he needed to hear her voice. Singing in front of the entire school was never his thing. Sure, he had serenaded to her in the hallways before, but this time it was different. He didn't have the strength and the confidence like he used to, just a whole bag of fear.

"Hello? Rachel?"

Rachel sighed. "What is it Finn? We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. You should get some sleep."

"I know. I know. It's just that I'm freaking out about tomorrow. I mean, what if I sound bad? What if I go off pitch? What if everyone thinks that I suck?"

"We've practiced it enough, and you've gotten better. You'll be fine."

"You think so?"


"Well, alright then. Sorry to bother you. I'll let you rest now."

Rachel could feel the uncertainty in his voice and knew that he was still worried about their performance.

"Hey," Her voice softened. "You're amazing Finn. You've gotten really good over the past couple of days so I have no doubt that you'll kill it. But if you're still nervous about it, remember that I'll be there with you. Your solo comes before our duet, so if you get cold feet during your performance, just look at me and I'll help you through it."

Finn smiled at her words of reassurance. "Thanks Rach. You always know what to say to make me feel better."

"That's alright. So, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Wait. Is it okay if we talk for a little while longer? I sort of want to take my mind off tomorrow."

Rachel looked at her bedside clock and decided that she could afford to sacrifice a few minutes of her sleep. Finn was her duet partner for tomorrow and she wanted to make sure that he was ready. If there was anything more than Rachel wanted, it was to have a flawless performance.


"Cool. So uh, do you have a date for prom?" It was a question that he had been dying to ask. Whenever he tried interrogating Kurt, his stepbrother would snap at him and say, "Why do you care? It's none of your business anyway. She was just your fake girlfriend."

"Sort of." She replied and he could feel his heart drop.

"It's Jacob Ben Israel isn't it?" He saw the way Jacob looked at her during glee rehearsals. It's like his eyes were glued to Rachel and he practically followed her around the choir room and the auditorium.

"What? God no! Jeez Finn, I haven't lost my mind. I'm going with Kurt and Mercedes."

Finn smiled at her answer. "Cool." Thank God!

"Who are you going with?"


"Oh right. So are you two back together now?" Rachel asked timidly.

"Well, Uh, not technically. It's complicated."

"I see."

Finn could hear her voice growing softer with every word and started to panic. He didn't want Rachel to get the wrong idea.

"We're not back together, Rach. The only reason why I'm going for the dance in the first place was because of the performance, our performance. She was nominated for Prom Queen and I had to take her cause I've been nominated for Prom King as well. Not that it matters to me. If I had a choice, I'd bail once the songs are done.

"I see."

"Hey Rach," He knew he was breaking so many boundaries by saying this, but he just had to. "If I had a choice to go with any girl in this school, I'd choose you."

Rachel's pulse started to rise. She was certain that her heart had fallen out of her mouth and she had to take deep breaths before she could answer him. "Really?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry Rach, about everything that has happened between us, really, I am. I wish I could take it all back."

"Finn, I think you've repeated that sentence at least twice."

"That's because it's true!" He protested. "You got to believe me, Rach. When I'm singing my solo tomorrow, listen carefully. Because I mean every word of it."

"Thank you."

"Well, it's getting late. You better get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. Night Rach."

Rachel took a deep breath. "Finn?"


"If I had the option of picking my date for Prom, it would be you too."

Finn's heart soared. "Thanks baby."

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