Chapter 14: You're the Music in Me

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Chapter 14: You're the Music in Me

Rachel stepped out of her shower and the cold wind hit her as she walked to her dresser. She sat down and started brushing her hair as she recalled her day with the football captain. Him being frustrated at himself and her calming him down. Him telling her that she was amazing and her blushing even though it was the second time he complimented her. Him walking her to her front door. Him leaning for a kiss.

She groaned in frustration and stood up. She flopped on to her bed and screamed into the pillow. Stop it! Sop thinking about him! Remember that he's just another jock who probably doing all of this thinking that he can get some action! Why are you thinking about him so much? YOU DO NOT LIKE HIM.

Just then, her phone lit up, hinting to her that she had a new text message. Rachel flipped her phone, only to reveal that it came from an unknown sender. When she realized who it was, she started texting.

Finn: Hey. It's Finn. I stole your number from Kurt's phone if that's okay. Are you still awake?

Rachel: I was about to go to bed.

Finn: I had a really good time with you today, thanks for helping me study.

Rachel: That's no problem.

Finn: I'm sorry that I tried to kiss you. But believe me when I said that you are amazing.

Rachel: It doesn't change anything. Nothing can ever happen between us.

Finn: Why not?

Rachel: Because we're from very different worlds. How am I suppose to know that you're serious about this?

Finn: You'll see.

Finn clicked his phone off and set it by his bedside table after sending the last text. He didn't know what caused his determination. He knew for a fact that it was not entirely based on fulfilling his promise. And yet, he couldn't make sense of what he was feeling. There was the urge in proving himself to her. To prove that he was more than just another dumb jock, to prove that he was worthy of her.

Wait, worthy of her? What are you doing? Quinn's your girlfriend! It's just an act. Knock it off Hudson, you're not about to develop feelings for her! He had to get this dare out of the way before everything became too messed up. And the only way for everything to be over, was to get through the next month as fast as he could.

He sunk in further into his bed and thought about the plan Puck came up with on Saturday.

After agreeing to his idea in serenading her, Puck began throwing possible song ideas for Finn to choose from.

"Afternoon Delight by the Starland Vocal Band."

Quinn rolled her eyes at his song choice. "Do you ever have any form of self control? Do (I've Had) The Time of My Live by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes, it's a much better song if you're confessing your love for someone."

"Aren't those usually sung by two people?" Finn asked.

"I've got it! Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond." Puck spoke up excitedly. Then, he started singing the first line from the song, giving Quinn side looks as he did. "Where it began, I can't begin to knowin'. But then I know it's growing strong. Was in the -"

"Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat's a pretty good option too." Quinn offered, cutting Puck off before he attracted a crowd.

Finn snapped back into reality. Puck had offered to help in this mission seeing that it was his idea, but Finn still didn't know which song to pick. It had to be really good to make it believable.

He thought back about his day with her. How her patience made everything better when she went through the chapters with him. How the small smile at her front door led to him wanting more. How amazing she had been about everything up to now.

He sat up in excitement because finally, he knew the perfect song to sing.

Rachel threw her Biology textbook back into her locker and stifled a yawn. After Finn last's text, she grew wary of what he meant when he said 'you'll see.' Needless to say, it kept her up all night, thinking of the different possible meanings to his text.

Kurt and Mercedes saw Rachel leaning against her locker and hooked their arms around hers, dragging her towards the cafeteria. "What is up with you Barbra? It's lunch time. You should be excited." Kurt asked.

"That's right girl. Come on, give us a little smile, it's tots day!" Mercedes added.

He rolled his eyes. "So listen, remember how I went shopping on Saturday? You wouldn't believe the amount of things I boug-" He stopped talking when he saw his stepbrother marching towards the trio with Noah Puckerman close behind. He widened his eyes in wonderment when he realized that Puck had a guitar strapped around his left shoulder.

"Hey, we need to talk," Finn started.

The tiny girl looked up at the owner of the voice who just called her. She held on to Kurt and Mercedes, for fear of what was about to happen.

"What I said last night was true. And ever since I got home, I just couldn't stop thinking about you. If you say that you choose to believe in positivity at every situation, then why can't you see that I might be worth the risk?"

"Finn, you don't even know me. How am I suppose to know that you're going to bold enough to deal with the ups and downs of loving an admittedly high maintenance girl like me?"

Kurt and Mercedes sniggered at Rachel's statement but stopped when they found Finn staring at them for interrupting their conversation.

"Well, here's me proving myself." He turned to his best friend and nodded.

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